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How to Monetize a Porn Site – Best Adult Affiliate Networks in 2019



Most people start their sites, and they don’t know how to monetize them, they waste their traffic and they lose potential money.

I will show you 5 different ways of making money with porn site, and if you start your own site you will be able to make money from all these income sources.

How to monetize a porn site:

  • Make money using Adult banner Ads
  • Make money using Pop-up Ads
  • Make money by selling your website
  • Make money promoting Affiliate programs
  • Make money promoting Sex Games

If you want to learn how to start your own porn site and make money with it, click here to read my article about porn sites, and if you want to check my income reports click here.



Make money Crakrevenue Adult Ads


If you don’t know what Banner ads are, or you can’t find any banner ads example on other sites, I will show you Banner ad example from my demo website PornWaley.com.

You can see banner ads on my screenshot below, one small ad in site header, one square ad in my sidebar and 2 banner ads in my video zone.



Banner ads are my main income source in Porn sites business and we’re currently making $6000-9000 per month with Banner ads. Best network for banner ads is Crakrevenue.com, because they have 1000+ active offers for 100 different niches in 50 different countries, they are legit, one of the biggest, if not the biggest online adult affiliate network.

For example, we used Chaturbate.com for many years and we were bored with only 10 different banners they offered for their offers. We tried Crakrevenue on few sites, and it went really well, and now, we are making 30% more money than we did before, and we are using Crakrevenue on 150 sites with 9 different niches.



I love Crakrevenue because you can choose from 1067 different offers, in different niches, so if you run MILF site you can find MILF ads, if you run BDSM site you can find BDSM ads, if you run Hentai site you can find Hentai ads.

Process of registration on Crakrevenue is not so easy, they are really strict because they work with huge Advertisers who require quality traffic, established sites… but in agreement with Crakrevenue they decided to automatically approve all people who come from my blog.

So if you decide to work with Crakrevenue and put their ads on your site you can use this link to register on their site, and you will get automatically approved in 12 hours.


How you actually make money from Crakrevenue Banner Ads?


Crakrevenue have three type of offers:

1. PPL –  Pay per Lead offer is probably the best type of offer for newbies. If you promote PPL offers you will get $1-$5 per free registration, when someone register their free account on some offer, through your website, you will make money.

For example if you promote some Cam website like LiveJasmin, someone will click on your ad and they will land on cam show with some pretty LiveJasmin model, they will get 3-4 free minutes to watch this model, and after that, they have to register if they want to keep watching this model, but they don’t have to pay to watch that model, they can just create free account and they will be able to continue watching this model perform live, that’s PPL.



– You will always get more signups per 1000 visitors with PPL compared to all other options

– You will be able to start making money even with 50-100 visitors per day

– Visitor just have to register their free account and you get your money


2. PPS – PPS is great for sites with tons of traffic, you will need at least 200 clicks on your Banner ad in order to get one PPS conversion, but you will make $30-130 per signup. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you can get 2 signups with 100 clicks, and sometimes, days will pass without any signup, so you need at least 3000 visitors per day in order to make money with signups.

Signups are visitors you send to some, for example cam website like LiveJasmin, and if some guy register their account and add their credit card in order to start spending money on Cam models, you will get $20-150 commission depending on your offer. (usually $50+)



– You can make tons of money with tons of traffic

– You only need 1-2 signups per month in order to pay your monthly costs of hosting, scripts, internet, and coffee!

– You can get tons of signups with niche websites if you find PPS offer in the same niche


3. Rev-Share – Revenue sharing is my favourite type of offer, and we make most of our money with RevShare. It’s a great method for any type of website, small or large, everyone can make money with RevShare sooner or later. 

Once you send some guy on some Cam Offer, for example LiveJasmin, you will get 10-30% of his spendings on that site, for the rest of his life. So if he start spending $50 today, you will get commission, if he come back after 3 months and start spending money, you get commission, if he come back in 2 years and start spending money, you get commission.

I love RevShare because we make tons of money with it and I love it because people who start spending money, they never stop spending. Oh God, I have few old referrals dating from 2015, and they still keep spending money on cam sites, and I’m making awesome passive commission from them. 1 Rev-Share customer will make you on average $80 per year in commission.



– You can work with RevShare with both low and high traffic websites

– You can make more money with RevShare than with PPS and PPL, longterm of course

– Once you capture your signup you will make more than $150 from him in the next 1-2 years

– It’s passive income once you get 500-700 signups, you can get $15-40 bucks every day for the next few years


How you get paid from Crakrevenue? 


If you live in US you can get paid by WIRE, if you live in any other place you will get paid with Paxum. Paxum will send you free Paxum card that you can use on all ATMs worldwide, and you can also use it as a regular credit card for shopping, paying gas… Click here to register on Paxum. Card delivery will take anywhere from 20-30 days. You can start making money even without your card, money will be stored on your account and once you get your card you can use your money. Crakrevenue will send Bi-Weekly payments.



How to install Crakrevenue Banner Ads


If you want to use Crakrevenue banner Ads on your website, I will show you how to do it in few easy steps.

First, click here and create your Crakrevenue account. Now login, and click on your Offers link in the left sidebar.


make money crakrevenue 2019


You will get a few options in your search area. In Vertical you can choose your offer category: Apps, Cam, Dating, Adult Gaming… leave it by default.

In Payout type you can choose Rev-share, DOI, PPS… If you are a newbie, you should use Rev-Share and DOI.

In Targeting, you can choose Mobile phone, Tablet, PC.. leave it by default if you want to target all of them.

In Country, you can choose countries you want to target, leave it by default in order to target all countries.

In Niche you can pick specific niches to promote or leave it by default in order to promote all niches.

In Status, choose Approved, and leave Accepted promotion methods by default.

Now click on Apply filter and Crakrevenue will show you 160+ Approved offers.


crakrevenue offers best 2019


You can choose any of those offers and you can use them on your website, I will take one for example.

Let’s take Camsoda Revshare offer, I love cam girl offers, they convert well, great commission and well known niche so people are not afraid to click on Cam girl ads.


rev share camsoda crakrevenue 2019


Offer page will show you the detailed information on this offer, this offer is automatically approved so you can promote it instantly, there are 251 Accepted countries for this offer, and you will get 65% Rev-Share commission for this offer.

If you send someone on Camsoda, and if they spend $100 there, you get $65.


making money crakrevenue method 2019


Scroll down to the bottom of your Offer page, and click on the Banner link.

Now, you are able to see all available banners you can use on your porn site, you can pick any of them.



If you want to use any of these banners, you can click on the banner options (3 small dots marked with red on my screenshot), and click on Copy code. Now you have your banner Ad code and you can use it on your website.

If you don’t have a porn site, you can click here and read my full a-z guide on how to start your first porn site.



Now you can go to your website -> WP-admin -> WP-script dashboard, and you can paste your Ad code in your Ad zones. You can choose different banner size for different Ad zone size on your website.

That’s it, paste your Ad code in your Ad zone and click on Save page.



Make Money with Crakrevenue Pop-up Ads


You probably know what annoying popup ads are, we all know. We use popups ads on all our porn sites, and I love them. Popup ads, if you use them well, can be a really nice money maker.

People use Popup ads too much, sometimes over 10 pop-up ads per visitor, and popup ads can drive people crazy and make them leave your site, don’t serve Pop-up ads more than 1-3 times per visitor.


How you actually make money from Popups?


Some Visitor come to your site, he get your Pop-Up ad and you make money from them, you will promote Crakrevenue PPL, PPS and Rev-Share offers using Pop-Up ads.

I explained you everything about PPL, PPS and Rev-Share in the beginning of this article.

Conversion rate using Pop-Up ads is not that great, they are forced, thus not many people will like them and only 1% will convert from them. You won’t get tons of money from pop-up ads if you have 200-500 visitors per day, but if you start getting over 2000 visitors per day, well that’s a real deal, we are using Crakrevenue (you can check their website here) and they will let you promote more than 200 offers using your pop-ups.


How to Install Pop-Up ads on your Porn site



Go to you Crakrevenue dashboard, click on Offers and you can choose your offer settings again.

In Payout type choose DOI, Rev-share and Rev-share Lifetime, in Status choose Approved and in Accepted promotion method choose Pop.

Click on Apply filter button and they will show you all available offers you can promote using Pop-ups.



You will be able to promote more than 200 offers, you can choose any of them.

Let’s take this offer for example, Slutroulette DOI offer will pay you $3.50 commission per lead and they support 80+ countries.

I will show you how to use Crakrevenue offers as a pop-up ad on your porn site.



Scroll down to the bottom of your offer page, and click on Pop Code.

Now copy your code and I will show you where to paste it.



Go to your WordPress admin panel, click on Appearance -> Editor, and click on Theme Footer in your Theme files sidebar.

Now scroll down and paste your Pop-Up code exactly above your </body> code, now click on Update file and that’s it, your Pop-Ups are working now.



Make Money with Adult Gaming


Adult games Affiliate Program – you send visitor to some mobile or desktop game, and that will pay you PPS, DOI or Rev-Share commission from each customer you send them using your affiliate link.

PPS game commission – When you send someone to download some game, and they download game and pay for Premium version of the game, you get PPS commission, on average $50 per customer

DOI game commission – You send your visitors on Landing page for some game, if they install this game with free trial, you get Pay per Install commission of $0.5-3

Rev-Share Game commission – If you send your visitors to download some game, and if they start spending money in this game, you get lifetime commission from their In-game spendings



Few years ago friend of mine told me about few affiliate programs with Porn RPG games, and I was really interested in this type of stuff. I saw few sex simulation RPG game ads on porn sites and they are showing the same ads over and over again, and I thought to myself: “If someone else is promoting these games constantly, they are probably making money with it.”

So I found out that I can promote some of the best legit Sex games through Crakrevenue. They will provide you with offers for some of the best selling 3D Sex games and you can make tons of money promoting them.


How much money you can make promoting Adult Games?


You can make 65% Revenue share for life. If you send some guy on their Rev-share games, you get 65% of their In-Game spend for life. I love Crakrevenue because they are 1000% legit, they pay on time and they have tons of offers you can choose from. You can get tons of customers on your Sex game banner ads, and conversion rate is crazy!

Why is their conversion rate that good? Because you can promote free-2-play games, your visitors will land on some game, and they will download it for free, if it’s free, and it’s good, everyone will download it, and play it.


But how do we make money if they play their games for free? 


Game itself will offer user upgrades, sexy costumes, sex tools, stuff to buy in-game, and these games are basically real world games like GTA multiplayer, everyone you meet in this game is real user and you can create virtual life inside this game with someone your meet, you can talk with them, build your virtual house where you can bring girls and make love with them.

You can upgrade penis size, you can buy clothes, you can buy new sex toys, new sex pose, women can upgrade breast size, you can buy basically everything. Tons of people are downloading these games and they are buying all type of upgrades every day.

You will start making money from them once they start buying upgrades! You will make 60-70% from your referral upgrades, and you will get their commission forever, as long as they play this game. Click here to check Crakrevenue network and read more about their commission rates, and check some of the games you can promote with them.

When I first started promoting sex games I got tons of registrations and downloads but no sales. Two weeks into promoting, few users spent some money, but nothing special, and one day, some guy spent $130 in one day and I made 50% commission from that sale. Four weeks into promoting sex games and I already got 110 referrals and 10-15 of them started spending their money, so I started making money.

This is passive income, you bring some new users, and you get lifetime commission whenever they pay for something in their sex game. Today, I have more than 2200 adult game referrals on Crakrevenue and 300 of them are constantly buying upgrades in their games, and I get new referrals every single day. I made $130 in my first month with this method, and I am constantly making $900-$1200 per month, for example I made $1220 last month (February 2019).



How to Install Adult gaming Ads on your Website


making money crakrevenue in 2019


First thing first, go to your Crakrevenue account dashboard, and click on Offers.

Now choose Adult gaming from Vertical dropdown options and choose Approved from Status dropdown options, now click on Apply Filter button.


crakrevenue narcos make money


You will be able to choose from more than 15 adult gaming offers on Crakrevenue.

You can choose between offers with PPS, Revshare and DOI commissions.



Let’s say you want to promote this game, Red Bed Seduction.

This is PPS offer, and they will give you $30 for every single customer you send them through your affiliate link. They are accepting customers from 155+ countries and their conversion rate is really great.



Now you should click on options button (3 small dots marked with red), and click on copy code it order to copy your Banner ad code.

Now you can go to your website and use that banner code for any of your Banner Ad slots.





Make Money with In-Stream Adult Ads, Pre-Roll and Mid-Roll



If you are using WP-script on your porn site you probably noticed how your visitors will sometimes get redirected to the original video, and this is really annoying, and you are losing visitors, but WP team released amazing plugin that will remove redirection from all your videos and you will also get really nice looking video player on your website.

Using Clean tube player will also prevent Tubes from showing their native embedded ads on their embed players on your website, and now you can insert your own ads in the Clean Tube Player options to display your own ads inside videos!



You will be able to insert 2 300X250 ads before video, and 2 banner ads when video is paused. And this is really great because without Clean tube, embedded videos are showing ads from original porn site, this is one of the best things you can use to increase your profit from porn site.



One of the best options on Clean tube Player are In-Stream ads, everyone will get this type of ads once in a while on porn sites. With Clean tube Player you can show your own Pre-roll ads and Mid-Roll ads on your video.

This is an example of Pre-Roll video from Xvideos.com:



So you can show 1 in-stream video before video starts, and 1 mid-roll ad in the middle of the video. I love in-stream ads because you can make you $3+ per 1000 in-stream ad impressions.


Best Adult In-Stream Ad network for your website?


Best In-stream ad network is Crakrevenue, they have really great ads, user friendly interface, they are 100% legit and we make tons of money from their in-stream ads, click here to register your Crakrevenue account.

Crakrevenue will approve your account in 12-24 hours, after that, go to your Offers, and search for “CR Smartlink – Multi-CPA – VAST PreRoll – Responsive” in your Browse Offers window.



Click on this offer and you will get new window where they ask you to request Approval for their In-Stream ads. They will approve you in 12-24 hours.



Click on Green button and you will have to fill some info about your traffic and your site, they will ask you for your Type of traffic, Traffic source and other relevant information about your site, and you can write something like this:



That’s it, now it will take them 12-24 hours to approve your application, once they approve it, you will be able to copy Offer link and paste it in your Video player and start making money from in-stream ads.

Now go to CR Smartlink offer page again, and copy Your tracking link.



Copy your tracking code and paste it in your URL box for pre-roll and mid-roll ads on your website.

Go to WP-script settings -> Video Player.



That’s it guys, this is how we monetize our porn sites and how we make money from them, hope you learned something today, and feel free to comment if you want to ask more things about monetization.



Make Money Flipping Porn Sites


We made tons of money by selling our sites, and first porn site I ever sold was back in 2014 when owner of 2 huge porn sites in the same niche offered me $4000 for my site that was generating $290 per month at that point, and I went nuts, I instantly agreed on that price, he paid me through Payoneer and I transferred my site to his hosting and I basically made $4000 in one day. Since 2014, I sold more than 85 sites, and I sold some of them for as low as $200, and some of them for as much as $18,000.

Most people who buy one website from you, will ask for more, because most guys are investing in sites and they are buying like crazy, so if you can provide high quality sites, they will become returning customers.


How you actually sell your site?


First time I ever sold my site, guy contacted me through Contact form on my website, he checked my stats and he asked me how much money I make with that site, he asked me to send him Analytic stats and income reports, and after that he offered me $4000 for my site. I sold most of my sites that way, and I even put “Site for sale” banner on some of my sites and I get at least 2-5 offers per month from banner alone. I will show you my Banner example:



You can also list your website on tons of different forums like BlackHatWorld and similar ones that support Marketplace threads. Another option if you want to sell a website, is to contact people you already know, someone who is already in this industry or someone in internet marketing business who might be interested investing in side income.

Selling directly to someone in your network can help you avoid the fees and hassle of using forums or auction sites, you can find tons of private Website Buyer groups on Facebook where you can offer your website or you can contact me and I can buy your website from you.

What do I get from buying your site? My team will scale it and resell it for 2X price in the next 6 months. I am interested in 1+ year old sites making at least $100 per month consistently for the last 6 months.


PROS of selling your site:

– You will have $$$ in your pocket instantly, money that you can invest in other projects

– You don’t have to spend 2-8 hours per day on maintenance

– You don’t have to stress about traffic and earnings from your website anymore


CONS of selling your site:

– You lose one (or only) income source

– Once you get few thousand bucks in your pocket you may spend money on stupid stuff and not use it wisely

– You were making money while watching porn, now you have to stop doing that *JOKE


If you ask me, you should never sell your site if you are making any money from it, because you should never sell your “income source”. Buuut, if you have more websites or if you need money for other business, or your goal is just to flip sites, maybe this is a way to go for you!


I can help you create your first website!

If you are a newbie and you are not sure if you are able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorials, I can help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn sites business using my 1 on 1 coaching and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search results and Social media. Contact me through my Facebook page: Onlineadrian.com


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