Porn sites are great, you can find any type of porn sites you like, you can watch granny porn, yoga porn, midget porn and probably 10 000 other porn niches.
One question that I get a lot is whether you should start general porn site with all categories, or niche porn site with only few categories. I am writing this article so I can help you start your porn site the right way.
General VS. Niche Porn Site?
Porn niches are MILF, Ebony, Teen, StepMom, Kinky, BSDM, Anal, Latina, Asian… and many others. You can start your niche website in any category you like but there are always some good and bad sides in this business if you want to go with niche sites.
Bad thing for niche websites is, you lose tons of visitors that are looking for some different niches, so if you for example run MILF niche website, you will get only visitors who are looking for MILF porn, and those who are looking for Teen, Young, Gay… will go to some other websites.
Good thing is, you will get 100% Niche visitors and you can place niche targeted ads on your website and make more money with much less visitors.
So if you for example run general porn site with 100 categories, and you use “Teen” ads on your website, only guys who love watching “Teen” will click on your ads.
On the other side, if you have Teen niche website where you put only Teen videos, people who love Teen videos will come to your website, you will serve “Teen” ads to them, and they will click on those ads, because they are 100% targeted for “Teen” niche, that’s why I love Niche sites so much, conversion rate is crazy.
One more thing you can get with Niche websites are Sponsors. So if you run (for example) BSDM website, you will get contacted, or you can contact some BSDM shops and offer them banner placement on your website for something like $300 per month.
If you run Masturbation website you can contact Dildo and Fleshlight e-shops and you can ask them if they are interested in banner ads or popup Ads on your website for something like $300 per month.
With niche porn site, you will always get returning visitors! If you are running nice looking and useful niche website with great videos, visitors will Bookmark your website and they will come back again and again. We have 25% more returning visitors on niche sites.
Niche sites are also better at SEO, we get 30% better SEO result for Niche sites compared to regular sites with All categories. That’s because Google love Niche site more probably because they are talking about the same niche all the time and Google think they are more useful for people.
For example, let’s say you are looking for “Best Chainsaw under $200”.
Niche website that’s based on “Chainsaw reviews and Chainsaw articles”, will always get better Search engine position than some general review website filled with Chainsaws, Makeup tools, Kitchen appliances…
General Porn site PROS:
More visitors, because you have more keywords and more categories
More money from Pre-Roll ads and Pop-Up ads (because you have more visitors)
Niche Porn site PROS:
You will get better conversion rate because you can ran 100% targeted niche ads
You will get returning visitors who love to watch specific niche videos
You can get direct banner ad sales from Niche companies
Better SEO
Overall, we get 20% better results from Niche websites and I think Niche websites are the way to go if you want to create authority porn site. People usually ask me if they should start more than one site, and I would recommend you to start with 1 niche site, or, if you want to start with more sites, start with 3 sites, 2 niche sites and 1 general porn site.
How to Find the Best Niche for my Porn Site?
People used to find great keywords and niches through Google Adwords keyword planner, now Google closed Keyword planner for “free” users, and you need an active ad account in order to use their keyword planner. (You need to actually spend money for ads in order to use Keyword planner).
Keywords are everything when it comes to SEO, and we use KWFinder tool when we work on SEO for our sites.
KWfinder is a great tool, probably the best for their price, they charge $30 per month for all premium features, but you can use it for free for up to 10 searches I think, so you can click here try it.
For example if you enter some keyword in their Search bar, they will show you keyword details, like Searches per month and many others, so you can enter all porn niches 1 by 1 and find the best one.
Some of the most popular niches for 2019 are: Yoga, MILF, Step (mother, brother, sister, father), Massage, Babysitter, Hentai, Female orgasm (squirting, shaking orgasm, screaming orgasm), Cuckold.
You can find best ideas for categories if you go to some large porn site like Pornhub, and click on Categories, they will lost you 100+ categories to choose from.
So lets’ take “MILF” niche, it’s really popular niche with more than 4,000,000 searches per month, but you don’t have to choose MILF, you can choose some sub-niche and still make tons of money because you can dominate that niche, and that’s because you have no competition, I will explain you how.
MILF has 4 million searches per month, and tons of people are competing for “MILF” keyword, and your goal is to find less competitive keywords so you can rank them really easy without real competition.
Let’s take this search result for “MILF porn”, and here you can see some 100, 000+ per month searches that can be used for your Niche porn site.
Let’s take “Hairy MILF” keyword with 100,000 searches per month, and let’s say you create hairy MILF porn site, and you only put Hairy MILF videos there, you will probably get to 1st or 2nd SERP (search engine results page) really quick, because only few (if any) people are competing for Hairy MILF niche, so you can easily get 20% of those 100,000 searches, that’s 20,000 visitors per month.
- People are working on this all the time with other niches like Technology, Beauty, Cars, Health… They are looking for micro niches so they can rank their sites and make tons of money, and no one (except us) is working on this type of micro-niche for porn sites.
Now go back to KWFinder and search for “Hairy MILF”, and you will be able to see some similar keywords you can use as categories on your site, I found these:
Chubby Hairy MILF – 2000-12,000 searches per month
Hairy Latina MILF – 900-3,500 searches per month
Hairy Asian MILF – 3000-18,000 searches per month
Blonde hairy MILF – 2900-10,000 searches per month
Hairy MILF Porn – 2000-10,000 searches per month
Hairy MILF Orgasm – 900-3000 searches per month
KWFinder showed me 1000+ more great long tail keywords and you can rank them for 1st 2nd and 3rd SERP and get easy 100,000+ organic visitors per month just by using long tail keywords in your video titles.
How to Pick the right domain for Porn Site
Domain is also really important for SEO, if you choose the right domain you can have SEO advantage, and you can look more professional. First thing first, click here to read my article on how to get free domain with your hosting, now go to FC hosting and click on Start Now button, pick your plan, and you will get this screen to choose your domain:
Now you have to find your perfect domain name, there is great free online tool where you can find really nice domain names, it’s called LeanDomainSearch, where you can enter your Niche, and tool will recommend you domain names, for example when I search for “HairyMILF” I get this search result:
There are some really nice results including my Niche, like,, and 4000+ other results.
Now you just copy domain name you like and paste it in your domain box on FC hosting and you are ready to start your site, you can click here to follow my full tutorial on how to create your first porn site.
I can help you create your first website!
If you are a newbie and you are not sure if you are able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorials, I can help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn sites business using my 1 on 1 coaching and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search results and Social media. Contact me through my Facebook page: