Channel: OnlineAdrian

How to Install WordPress on FastComet Hosting



If you are into online businesses and you just bought hosting and you don’t know how to set it up, you are on the right place.

I will show you step-by-step process on how to install WordPress on FastComet hosting.

This process is short, WordPress is one click installation and it will take you only 5-7 minutes to do it.

WordPress is free software and they will never charge you any money.



Step 1: Go to your FastComet cPanel




First thing first you have to login to your FastComet hosting account.

I will show you step-by-step installation on my Demo account.

After you login into your hosting account, click on Products -> My products.

Now click on View Details button.




When you land on your Details page scroll down to Log in To options.

Now you will click on cPanel button and you will land on your cPanel options.

After that, scroll to the bottom of cPanel page and you will find your Softaculous installer.




This is one click CMS installer, and you need to click on WordPress icon to install it on your site.

WordPress is free software and I will show you how to install it in 2 minutes.


Click on blue WordPress icon and it will take you to new WordPress page.




After you land on WordPress installation page you will click on blue Install now button.

Now you have to make some changes to your WordPress default installation.

You can just copy my installation settings (just change site name and site description to match yours).




In Choose protocol field choose Http://.

In Choose domain choose your domain name.

In Directory: Delete everything and leave empty field.

Now just add your site name and site description.




You will have to choose your Admin username, Admin password and Admin mail.

I would replace Admin username with some other username (like your name, or a nickname).

Choose strong password (at least 8 characters).

Enter your e-mail address so WordPress can send you notifications from your website.




You don’t have to change anything on Select plugin, Advance options and Select theme part.

Now you just have to click blue Install button and your WordPress is installed, And you are done.

Read my article on How I made more than $60,000 in one year with Porn sites.

The post How to Install WordPress on FastComet Hosting appeared first on OnlineAdrian.

Best Adult Tube Script for Porn Site – Start your Porn Website with WordPress – WP-Script Review



If you follow my blog you already know that I make full time passive income with porn sites.

I work with porn sites for the last 7-8 years and I run more than 400 adult sites.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can read my $100 per day Porn method.

Tons of people are asking me all type of questions every day, and they ask me if they can make money with this method in 2018, or if this method still works, or how to start their site and what’s the best adult tube script.

I decided to take some time and write this review for you, this is WP-script review, and this WordPress theme is the best, cheapest and fastest way to start your professional automated porn site.


Guess what? I will Do it for You!

If you are newbie and you are not sure if you will be able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorial, I will help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn uploading 1 on 1 through Skype and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search, for Free!
If you want to contact me add me on Skype: adrian.rozic


This is not just website design, this is passive way to run your porn sites, so I will explain you how you can run your porn sites while spending only few minutes of your time per day on your sites, I run more than 400 so I know what I’m talking about trust me.

You can also click here to read full A-Z tutorial on how to start your porn site and make money with it.



Design and Functionality of WP-Script




This is probably the best porn script ever, I really like it because it’s WordPress based so it’s really easy to use it and install it, it’s 10 minutes task.

You can click here to buy your theme from WP-script.

WP-script will offer you 2 different designs, you can buy them for 1 site, 5 sites or unlimited sites, and if you buy it for 1 site you can always upgrade it (just pay the difference) to use it on more sites, so this is probably the best buy for newbies, and this theme will cost you only $39.

But first thing you need to have before buying this script is your porn site hosting and domain.

This is pain in the ass, I work with porn sites for 8 years and I used more than 20 hosting companies, and 99% of them banned me because they don’t support porn.

2 years ago I found perfect hosting for porn sites, it’s called FastComet hosting and you can check it here, I wrote full review of FastComet hosting and I recommend everyone to host their site on FastComet.

They allow everything porn related, they are old trusted company with 200 000+ users and probably the most importing thing about them, they are cheap AF, their hosting will cost you only $42 per year + you will get free domain with it.

You can click here and read my tutorial on how to buy FastComet hosting.

So after you buy hosting and domain, you are ready to buy WP-script so you can start your site.

It’s not that hard to set your site up, but I know there are some newbies who never used WordPress and WP themes and some people spend more than 5 hours creating their site, and it’s really 15 minutes task for me, so you can feel free to contact me on Skype (Username: adrian.rozic) and I will help you.

Now I will explain how to buy WP-script and how to install it.



How to Buy WP-Script and Mass Embedder


First thing first, you have to go to WP-Script homepage, click here.

Now you have to buy your WP-script theme first.

Click on Themes in main menu and you will see 2 different themes, Retrotube and Kingtube.




If you want your site to look modern choose Kingtube, and if you want your site to look more like other popular porn sites like Xhamster, Xvideos… you should use Retrotube, I use it on all my sites.

You can check one of my sites with RetroTube theme, click here.

I prefer Retrotube because people will feel better on your site because it will look like real and really expensive porn site.




You can buy your theme license for 1 site, 5 sites or unlimited sites, I would recommend 1-5 sites if you are newbie, click on Add to cart and continue reading this article.

Now you have to buy Mass embedder too, and you are probably wondering, what the hell is Mass embedder?


About Mass Embedder


Mass embedder is plugin for WP-script that will make you porn site business 10000 easier and faster, if you buy WP-theme without Mass Embedder you will need to upload each video 1 by one, and it will take you million years to upload 1000 videos to your site, so WP-script is offering you Mass embedder solution, I use it on every single site and this plugin will be your passive money maker.

Embedder will automatically embed videos from other porn sites directly into your sites, so you don’t have to upload them manually, you can set it up to upload every day, every hour, every week…

If you want to buy Mass embedder too, click on Plugins in main menu of WP-script website and you will get 3 plugin choices.

You will need Mass video embedder plugin only.




This plugin will cost you $59 for one site, $79 for 5 sites and $99 for unlimited sites.

After you decide which Embedder license you want to buy, click on Add to cart.

Now you have to pay for your theme and plugin.




You will see your Cart items above your main menu in your upper right corner.

Click on Cart, and after that click on Go to checkout.




You can pay your script with 2 different payment options, Credit card and Paypal.

Both of them are secured so you don’t have to worry about your money.

After you buy your theme you can contact me on Skype: adrian.rozic if you need my help with your porn site setup, I will do it for you, for free.



How to install WP-script


WP-Script is WordPress based porn script, so you have to install WordPress first.

I explained you how to install WordPress on FastComet hosting in this article, step by step.

Follow my article about WordPress installation, and after you install WordPress come back here and continue reading my article.

Now you have to upload your WP-script theme and plugin.


Theme and Plugin Installation and Setup




First thing you have to do, Login to your WP-script account, and create new folder on your desktop.

Download your Retrotube theme and Mass embedder plugin from your WP-script account and put them into your new folder.




If both folders are already compressed (.zip) leave them like that.

If you download them uncompressed in folders you should compress them into separate .zip files.

Compressed files are easy to use in WordPress and you can upload them with one click.




Now go to your website and visit your Administrator panel, visit your domain and add /wp-admin after your domain.

For example: www.pornwaley.com/wp-admin

Enter your admin username and password (you created them during your WordPress installation).

Now put your mouse on Appearance, and click on Themes.





After you land on Themes page, click on Add New, and after that click on Upload theme.

WordPress will give you some basic free themes to use for your site, but you have to upload your WP-script theme so you can use it.




Click on Choose file and find your Retro tube theme .zip file file.

Click on Install Now and after you install it click on Activate button.




Now your theme is activated, and now you have to upload your Mass embedder plugin.

Go to Plugins, and click on Add New.





Same story here, when you land on Plugins page click on Upload plugin.

After that click on Choose file and find your Adult Mass Embedder plugin .zip file.

Upload it and Activate it.




Now you will see small notification on the top of your page.

You have to install this free WP-Script Core plugin so you can finish your site.

Click on Begin installing and install and activate this plugin.

Now you are done with your theme and plugin upload.




You have 3-4 more minutes and your website will be ready for work.

Now you have to find WP-script item on the bottom of your menu, and click on Dashboard.





WP-theme will require license key in order to be activated.

So you have to visit WP-script website, log in to your account and get your license key and paste in on your installation box.




After your activation, go to WP-script Dashboard and find Retrotube and Mass Videos Embedder.

Find green Connect Now buttons under those item and click on those buttons, and WordPress will automatically connect them and your site is ready.



Website Design




Next thing you have to do is to go to your WP-script theme options.

In your WordPress admin panel find WP-script, and click on Theme options.

I will screenshot you my options so you can copy them.

If you are newbie and this whole process is too much for you, you can contact me on my Skype profile: adrian.rozic and I will install your site for you.

First page I uploaded is General site option page and you can also change number of videos on homepage (my optimal number is 28).

You can check all other items, just like I did.

Now click on Visual options where you can set your Visual options.




First option is your Main theme color, and I like to leave it default, or you can easily pick some color you want to you.

Second option is Custom background, you can upload some HQ photo as your website background, I prefer to leave it Unchecked, as default.




Next step are Logo and Favicon settings.

I don’t use Logo image because it’s easier to use default text editor from this theme.

I use ‘video-camera’ icon logo, and I don’t use text slogan option.

My text settings are Amaranth font, and 33px font size.




In Header settings you will get only two settings.

I don’t put Social profiles on my sites, and I show Search bar on all of them.




Next step is Content settings page.

You will get 2 setup sub-pages on this page, Homepage and Video page.

I will show you how I setup Homepage settings first.

Carousel slider is small slider under your main menu, you can check it on my new site: www.pornhead.net.

You can use any settings you like for your slider, and you can check settings from my site on screenshot above.




After you complete your Homepage setup click on Video Page settings.

You should Enable sidebars, disable Autoplay and Logo watermark.

Enable tracking button, and leave button setting as default.




Scroll down and you will see even more Video page settings, you can copy these settings from my screenshot.

After you save your settings click on Sidebar settings.




On this page you will enable your Sidebar and choose Right position.

Now click on Footer settings.




In Footer column settings you can choose any Footer size you like.

I prefer 1 column or 3 columns, and should choose one of those options.

Turn on your Copyright bar and write something like “All right reserved: 2017 Yourporsite.com”




Click on Membership settings and you will land on this page filled with bunch of options.

Disable all these options just like I did on my Screenshot.

Now that’s it, your site is up and running.

If you want to read my full tutorial on How to Start porn site with WP-script click here, in this tutorial I explained How to use Advertising to make money from your site, and How to Make your site SEO friendly so you can get 100+ visitors per day from Google.


The post Best Adult Tube Script for Porn Site – Start your Porn Website with WordPress – WP-Script Review appeared first on OnlineAdrian.

Making Money with Porn Sites Income Report – I made $104.500 in 2017 with Porn Sites only



Hey guys, more than 2500 people contacted me on Skype and more than 2000 on Facebook in 2017 and I tried to help most of you guys 1 on 1.

I met so many great people in 2017, partnered with many of them, made tons of money, travelled a lot and started even more porn sites and other side businesses.

Some of my business ideas went pretty well, but Porn is still one of my main income sources.

Few months ago I wrote my post about How we made $60.000+ in 6 months of 2017, and today I’ll  talk about my Income report from Porn sites for 2017 (Jan-Dec).

We made more than $100,000 in 2017 from our porn sites and porn uploading and we created tons of sites in 2017, so now we own around 400 sites.



About my Porn Business – Number of sites, employees and expenses


Most people would think that working with porn is best thing ever, well nope, there are tons of expenses, employees, hosting and domain costs..

I saw some new ‘bloggers’ writing about porn sites, porn business and other related stuff but they are some fake gurus who just write sh*t around, they have no real experience and they run 1-2 sites, and honestly I’m sick of it, some people even copied my methods so they can charge people money for their fake “E-books” and paid tutorials.

I’m into porn business for 8-9 years now, I started some of my first sites in 2009 and 2010 with 2 of my partners (we still work together on some projects), and we had some tough business moments together.

Funny story: In 2012 I owned 130 porn sites, had 3 employers, invested tons of money and time in my sites, and once I reached my $20 000 per years goal I got banned from my hosting and they deleted all my sites because I violated their terms, and that’s because I thought all hosting companies are OK with porn.

So I lost my $20 000 per year income with porn sites and porn uploading, and I was struggling to get back on my feet, that’s when I found FastComet hosting company, they really helped me with my goals, you can click here to read my full Fastcomet adult hosting review, I found them on some forum, contacted them, and they told me they are 100% OK with porn, and their hosting was really cheap too, $50 per year, so I started working with them, and in a meantime I tried 4-5 more hosting companies, but now we are using FastComet for all our sites.

Long story short, since 2009 I failed many times, started tons of porn related blogs, forums, redirects, sites, some of them were successful, (you can read my $100 per day journey with porn sites) some of them failed after 2 days, some of them failed after 2 years, and some of them made me 6 figures, but I tested enough methods and I invested so much money into my experience so now I can actually invest money in really shit.



My 2017 Porn Income Report


2017 started really great for me, few businesses with my partners went really great and I made really great money in the first few months of 2017, and I started few more businesses, I have 4 more employees, agents from China, I officially started my importing company for house furniture, car parts and few more niches, so I’m traveling to China every few months to meet my suppliers and my agents.

I also started few more things in the last 12 months, one of them is my Travel agency that failed, oops, I lost 4 months on that project, and got scammed for some really great plane ticket coupons, apartment reservations and more, but I’m gonna stop talking about bad stuff that happened and I’ll talk about my porn sites.

We reached 400 sites in December 2017, and now in March 2018 we own 414 porn sites, most of them are niche sites.

We started working with Chaturbate few years ago and we are killing with their Webcam model ads right now, and we are testing some other networks too, so I will notify you once we finish some A/B tests on these networks so you can see our results.

$104.500 is our number, that’s how much we made with our porn sites in 2017.

Yep, $100.000+ was our goal for 2017 and we made just over $100k.



We found 10 new employees who really worked their ass of on porn uploading for the last few months and we already made over $30.000 in 2018, so we hope we’ll be able to break $200,000 goal for 2018.

I attached screenshot of Chaturbate earnings for 2017.

Our expenses for porn sites business in 2017 was:

$1100 for Hosting services

$1800 for Domain payments

Total cost for my employees was $44.900

Total cost for uploading softwares was $1300

Porn sites business costs for 2017: $49100


Total Profit from porn sites and porn uploading in 2017:

$55.400 = $4.616 per month.


Porn sites and porn uploading is my passive income business, and I still can’t believe I created 400+ sites in the last few years.

I know $4000 per month is not that much in US, Canada, Australia… but in some 2nd and 3rd world countries this amount is huge, I live in Croatia and average monthly income is $400.

I am investing more money in this method every year, and I hope I will double my income from porn sites in the next 1-2 years, I hope we can make around $200.000 in 2018.

Tons of people ask me how much time do I spend on this method, and my answer is 40 hours a month.

Well, I hope I motivated some of you guys, porn industry is huge, there is room for everyone, there are 1000+ niches for you to start with, don’t give up, internet is huge, porn is huge, there are 60,000+ porn sites online and you can start your own sites and make money.

If you have any questions, you can click here and contact me on my Facebook page, or you can contact me on my Skype profile: adrian.rozic

I will try to help every single person who get in touch with me, I am receiving 50+ mails and messages per day from readers asking me about business, about porn, about investments, about SEO, niche sites… and I really try to find few minutes for everyone.


How to Make Money With MyFreeCams and Crakrevenue – New 2019 Live Cam Widget Review



Hey guys, as you already know, you can make money from porn site by sending people to some webcam girls website where people can watch cam girls, and if you are able to send them on those websites, you can make some nice money, and  today I want to share new advanced way to make money from porn site Ads by adding MyFreeCams to your website.

If you are into porn business already, I don’t have to tell you how huge MyFreeCams.com is in the world of camming. girls seem to love it there, and guys love it even more. MyFreeCam is flush with everyday beautiful women and beautiful models and the community there couldn’t be more active or stronger.


Why I started working with MyFreeCams


As you already know, we promote tons of different cam sites, and most of them are new sites and we promote them because they are offering some nice commission (because they are new companies and they want to get more advertisers sot hey have to offer more commission for your sales), but one of my partners heard about new MyFreeCams option from Crakrevenue so I tried it.

This is not my first time to work with MFC, I’ve promoted MyFreeCams’ affiliate program over the years and have always done well with it, but on October 8, 2018, it was announced that in partnership with CrakRevenue, MFC now had its very first “Live Cam Widget”  that caught my attention, it’s probably one of the best free webmaster tools for porn sites, affiliates and even cam girls can use to promote the extremely lucrative MyFreeCams affiliate program so I jumped into it and we decided to start using it on 50ish sites so we can track results and do some split testing with other networks.

Why I was attracted to this program at first is because their payouts are pretty generous, with up to $5 per lead or 20% Revshare on the table promoting this program, so once you send some guy who decide to watch cam girls, you can get $5 for him just signing-up for MyFreeCams, that’s why it’s called Pay per Lead, and if you use Rev Share program, you will get 20% from all the money this guy spend on MyFreeCams, for life!

But the real star that steals the show is the new tool — the MFC Live Cam Widget.

CrakRevenue’s website explains the science behind the widget and how it works, explaining how the MyFreeCams Live Cam Widget’s exclusive algorithm “continuously updates the featured performers based on model popularity, number of viewers, trending top cams and overall conversion rate.”

2 weeks after, after testing this new Widget, I realised that it does just that and it’s definitely a great option for anyone wanting to make money from cam ads on their site.

RESULTS from my split test with other cam networks : 35% higher CTR, and we made 30% more money from MyFreeCam affiliate than any other affiliate program we used before. One more thing, we are now implementing MyFreeCams on 80 more sites from our network, and in I will publish my income results on December 1st.

MyFreeCams is a much welcome, notable addition, because in the past, there weren’t many options if you wanted to promote one of the live models you saw on the MyFreeCams.com website in the form of a creative or banner, and well, it seems the MyFreeCams Live Cam Widget is the answer to this previously unmet need … it really does show the best girls that are currently live… and affiliates like me—and our wallets —couldn’t be happier to finally have this.

Not a CrakRevenue affiliate?  You can sign up here or access the Widget on this page.

If you need any help with setting up MyFreeCams widgets on your porn site you can feel free to contact me on my Facebook page: Onlineadrian.com or you can add me on Skype : adrian.rozic.


Xvideos / Pornhub Delete my Videos and Ban my Account – Best Websites for Porn Uploading Method 2019



Hey guys, porn method is amazing, thousands of people are making money with it, and tons of newbies are uploading and creating sites, and also making mistakes. One of those mistakes is Uploading videos on Xvideos and similar huge sites. Xvideos and Pornhub are huge sites, making millions per year, they make money from their ads just like you make money from your own website using my Porn method, if you never heard of my porn method before, you can click here to read more and check my income reports.

Pornhub, Xvideos and other sites make money from porn videos, they upload some of them, users/visitors upload some of them, and now guys who are working with porn uploading method upload most of them.

But hey, why are they banning users (us) for uploading videos on their site?



Why Xvideos and others keep banning you?


It’s because you are stealing their traffic and spamming their sites. I will explain you how.

First things first, you upload videos with watermark, with intro, outro, and it looks like crap, plus you add your website in video Title, and you are basically promoting your site and you are sending people from their site to your site, they would be crazy to allow that to keep happening, and today, 50% of their videos are uploaded with Porn uploading method saying ” – find more videos like this on www.xxxyourwebsite.com ” and with some ugly watermarks just like this video for example:



Xvideos and all other huge sites like Pornhub run everyday check on spam, suspicious users, suspicious content… and if they find anything breaking their TOS they will ban you and you are not coming back.

Problem is, some guys contact me saying their earnings are gone because Xvideos banned them, that’s because they used Xvideos as their main traffic source for their porn business, and they upload 5000+ videos on Xvideos in a month, videos just started bringing in some profit and Xvideos banned them and now traffic is gone, earnings are gone and they have to start all over again.

So let’s make this clear, Xvideos and other sites will ban you for few reasons:

You are basically stealing their traffic by sending people to your website from Intro, Outro and in video Watermarks and video Titles.

You are ruining the look of their sites with huge video titles, URLs and ugly watermarks and long intros.

You are spamming their site because you uploaded 200 videos in 2 days.



But how to Get Traffic if I cant Upload to Huge sites?


This is what I realised few years ago when all this uploading stuff went nuts, I realised huge sites started working on Spam checks and I realised it’s not worth anymore, so I decided to start uploading on not so popular sites. I told my team to go find me at least 50 medium size porn sites and I uploaded 1000+ videos on 50 sites, months goes by, all accounts still active, all videos still up and still bringing me my traffic.

That’s when I realised we have to start uploading on small and medium porn sites. I will give you few reasons why.

Small and medium porn sites never check for spam, they never ban you for watermarks, video titles, descriptions, intro or outro, you can do anything you want.

Small and Medium porn sites are not so popular so no one upload to them, your videos will get more traffic because only your sites will appear on Homepage.

You will get more passive traffic in longterm because your video will never be deleted.

You can upload as many videos as you want, no one will ban you for spam.



How to Find Small and Medium sites for Upload?


If you go to Google and search for “Teen Porn”, now click on Video results, first 5 pages will show only huge porn sites like Xvideos, Pornhub, Xhamster…

I will show you example of my search for Teen Porn.


Now Google the same phrase and go to Page 18-20 of search results. Here you can find mid size porn sites where you can upload videos to, and where you can get tons of click on your website. These sites are not small by any means, these sites are getting 50,000+ visitors per day.



I went to page 18 of search results and I found some sites I never heard of, let’s take this site for example, Fpo.xxx.

I will try to find some stats for this website.



I found Alexa.com ranking for this website and it’s ranked great, and this site is easily getting 50,000 visitors per day.

At this point, my team is uploading videos on more than 400 small and medium porn sites and we are getting 150,000+ visitors from them, per day.

Any questions? Feel free to contact me through my Facebook page: Onlineadrian, or my Skype profile adrian.rozic.


General Porn Site VS. Niche Porn Site – How to Choose the best Niche for your Porn Website



Porn sites are great, you can find any type of porn sites you like, you can watch granny porn, yoga porn, midget porn and probably 10 000 other porn niches.

One question that I get a lot is whether you should start general porn site with all categories, or niche porn site with only few categories. I am writing this article so I can help you start your porn site the right way.



General VS. Niche Porn Site?



Porn niches are MILF, Ebony, Teen, StepMom, Kinky, BSDM, Anal, Latina, Asian… and many others. You can start your niche website in any category you like but there are always some good and bad sides in this business if you want to go with niche sites.

Bad thing for niche websites is, you lose tons of visitors that are looking for some different niches, so if you for example run MILF niche website, you will get only visitors who are looking for MILF porn, and those who are looking for Teen, Young, Gay… will go to some other websites.


Good thing is, you will get 100% Niche visitors and you can place niche targeted ads on your website and make more money with much less visitors.

So if you for example run general porn site with 100 categories, and you use “Teen” ads on your website, only guys who love watching “Teen” will click on your ads.

On the other side, if you have Teen niche website where you put only Teen videos, people who love Teen videos will come to your website, you will serve “Teen” ads to them, and they will click on those ads, because they are 100% targeted for “Teen” niche, that’s why I love Niche sites so much, conversion rate is crazy.


One more thing you can get with Niche websites are Sponsors. So if you run (for example) BSDM website, you will get contacted, or you can contact some BSDM shops and offer them banner placement on your website for something like $300 per month.

If you run Masturbation website you can contact Dildo and Fleshlight e-shops and you can ask them if they are interested in banner ads or popup Ads on your website for something like $300 per month.

With niche porn site, you will always get returning visitors! If you are running nice looking and useful niche website with great videos, visitors will Bookmark your website and they will come back again and again. We have 25% more returning visitors on niche sites.

Niche sites are also better at SEO, we get 30% better SEO result for Niche sites compared to regular sites with All categories. That’s because Google love Niche site more probably because they are talking about the same niche all the time and Google think they are more useful for people.

For example, let’s say you are looking for “Best Chainsaw under $200”.

Niche website that’s based on “Chainsaw reviews and Chainsaw articles”, will always get better Search engine position than some general review website filled with Chainsaws, Makeup tools, Kitchen appliances…


General Porn site PROS:

More visitors, because you have more keywords and more categories

More money from Pre-Roll ads and Pop-Up ads (because you have more visitors)


Niche Porn site PROS:

You will get better conversion rate because you can ran 100% targeted niche ads

You will get returning visitors who love to watch specific niche videos

You can get direct banner ad sales from Niche companies

Better SEO


Overall, we get 20% better results from Niche websites and I think Niche websites are the way to go if you want to create authority porn site. People usually ask me if they should start more than one site, and I would recommend you to start with 1 niche site, or, if you want to start with more sites, start with 3 sites, 2 niche sites and 1 general porn site.



How to Find the Best Niche for my Porn Site?


People used to find great keywords and niches through Google Adwords keyword planner, now Google closed Keyword planner for “free” users, and you need an active ad account in order to use their keyword planner. (You need to actually spend money for ads in order to use Keyword planner).

Keywords are everything when it comes to SEO, and we use KWFinder tool when we work on SEO for our sites.



KWfinder is a great tool, probably the best for their price, they charge $30 per month for all premium features, but you can use it for free for up to 10 searches I think, so you can click here try it.

For example if you enter some keyword in their Search bar, they will show you keyword details, like Searches per month and many others, so you can enter all porn niches 1 by 1 and find the best one.

Some of the most popular niches for 2019 are: Yoga, MILF, Step (mother, brother, sister, father), Massage, Babysitter, Hentai, Female orgasm (squirting, shaking orgasm, screaming orgasm), Cuckold.

You can find best ideas for categories if you go to some large porn site like Pornhub, and click on Categories, they will lost you 100+ categories to choose from.


So lets’ take “MILF” niche, it’s really popular niche with more than 4,000,000 searches per month, but you don’t have to choose MILF, you can choose some sub-niche and still make tons of money because you can dominate that niche, and that’s because you have no competition, I will explain you how.



MILF has 4 million searches per month, and tons of people are competing for “MILF” keyword, and your goal is to find less competitive keywords so you can rank them really easy without real competition.

Let’s take this search result for “MILF porn”, and here you can see some 100, 000+ per month searches that can be used for your Niche porn site.

Let’s take “Hairy MILF” keyword with 100,000 searches per month, and let’s say you create hairy MILF porn site, and you only put Hairy MILF videos there, you will probably get to 1st or 2nd SERP (search engine results page) really quick, because only few (if any) people are competing for Hairy MILF niche, so you can easily get 20% of those 100,000 searches, that’s 20,000 visitors per month.


  • People are working on this all the time with other niches like Technology, Beauty, Cars, Health… They are looking for micro niches so they can rank their sites and make tons of money, and no one (except us) is working on this type of micro-niche for porn sites.


Now go back to KWFinder and search for “Hairy MILF”, and you will be able to see some similar keywords you can use as categories on your site, I found these:


Chubby Hairy MILF – 2000-12,000 searches per month

Hairy Latina MILF – 900-3,500 searches per month

Hairy Asian MILF – 3000-18,000 searches per month

Blonde hairy MILF – 2900-10,000 searches per month

Hairy MILF Porn – 2000-10,000 searches per month

Hairy MILF Orgasm – 900-3000 searches per month


KWFinder showed me 1000+ more great long tail keywords and you can rank them for 1st 2nd and 3rd SERP and get easy 100,000+ organic visitors per month just by using long tail keywords in your video titles.



How to Pick the right domain for Porn Site


Domain is also really important for SEO, if you choose the right domain you can have SEO advantage, and you can look more professional. First thing first, click here to read my article on how to get free domain with your hosting, now go to FC hosting and click on Start Now button, pick your plan, and you will get this screen to choose your domain:



Now you have to find your perfect domain name, there is great free online tool where you can find really nice domain names, it’s called LeanDomainSearch, where you can enter your Niche, and tool will recommend you domain names, for example when I search for “HairyMILF” I get this search result:



There are some really nice results including my Niche, like TheHairyMilf.com, HairyMilfOnline.com, MyHairyMilf.com and 4000+ other results.

Now you just copy domain name you like and paste it in your domain box on FC hosting and you are ready to start your site, you can click here to follow my full tutorial on how to create your first porn site.


I can help you create your first website!

If you are a newbie and you are not sure if you are able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorials, I can help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn sites business using my 1 on 1 coaching and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search results and Social media. Contact me through my Facebook page: Onlineadrian.com


How to Monetize a Porn Site – Best Adult Affiliate Networks in 2019



Most people start their sites, and they don’t know how to monetize them, they waste their traffic and they lose potential money.

I will show you 5 different ways of making money with porn site, and if you start your own site you will be able to make money from all these income sources.

How to monetize a porn site:

  • Make money using Adult banner Ads
  • Make money using Pop-up Ads
  • Make money by selling your website
  • Make money promoting Affiliate programs
  • Make money promoting Sex Games

If you want to learn how to start your own porn site and make money with it, click here to read my article about porn sites, and if you want to check my income reports click here.



Make money Crakrevenue Adult Ads


If you don’t know what Banner ads are, or you can’t find any banner ads example on other sites, I will show you Banner ad example from my demo website PornWaley.com.

You can see banner ads on my screenshot below, one small ad in site header, one square ad in my sidebar and 2 banner ads in my video zone.



Banner ads are my main income source in Porn sites business and we’re currently making $6000-9000 per month with Banner ads. Best network for banner ads is Crakrevenue.com, because they have 1000+ active offers for 100 different niches in 50 different countries, they are legit, one of the biggest, if not the biggest online adult affiliate network.

For example, we used Chaturbate.com for many years and we were bored with only 10 different banners they offered for their offers. We tried Crakrevenue on few sites, and it went really well, and now, we are making 30% more money than we did before, and we are using Crakrevenue on 150 sites with 9 different niches.



I love Crakrevenue because you can choose from 1067 different offers, in different niches, so if you run MILF site you can find MILF ads, if you run BDSM site you can find BDSM ads, if you run Hentai site you can find Hentai ads.

Process of registration on Crakrevenue is not so easy, they are really strict because they work with huge Advertisers who require quality traffic, established sites… but in agreement with Crakrevenue they decided to automatically approve all people who come from my blog.

So if you decide to work with Crakrevenue and put their ads on your site you can use this link to register on their site, and you will get automatically approved in 12 hours.


How you actually make money from Crakrevenue Banner Ads?


Crakrevenue have three type of offers:

1. PPL –  Pay per Lead offer is probably the best type of offer for newbies. If you promote PPL offers you will get $1-$5 per free registration, when someone register their free account on some offer, through your website, you will make money.

For example if you promote some Cam website like LiveJasmin, someone will click on your ad and they will land on cam show with some pretty LiveJasmin model, they will get 3-4 free minutes to watch this model, and after that, they have to register if they want to keep watching this model, but they don’t have to pay to watch that model, they can just create free account and they will be able to continue watching this model perform live, that’s PPL.



– You will always get more signups per 1000 visitors with PPL compared to all other options

– You will be able to start making money even with 50-100 visitors per day

– Visitor just have to register their free account and you get your money


2. PPS – PPS is great for sites with tons of traffic, you will need at least 200 clicks on your Banner ad in order to get one PPS conversion, but you will make $30-130 per signup. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you can get 2 signups with 100 clicks, and sometimes, days will pass without any signup, so you need at least 3000 visitors per day in order to make money with signups.

Signups are visitors you send to some, for example cam website like LiveJasmin, and if some guy register their account and add their credit card in order to start spending money on Cam models, you will get $20-150 commission depending on your offer. (usually $50+)



– You can make tons of money with tons of traffic

– You only need 1-2 signups per month in order to pay your monthly costs of hosting, scripts, internet, and coffee!

– You can get tons of signups with niche websites if you find PPS offer in the same niche


3. Rev-Share – Revenue sharing is my favourite type of offer, and we make most of our money with RevShare. It’s a great method for any type of website, small or large, everyone can make money with RevShare sooner or later. 

Once you send some guy on some Cam Offer, for example LiveJasmin, you will get 10-30% of his spendings on that site, for the rest of his life. So if he start spending $50 today, you will get commission, if he come back after 3 months and start spending money, you get commission, if he come back in 2 years and start spending money, you get commission.

I love RevShare because we make tons of money with it and I love it because people who start spending money, they never stop spending. Oh God, I have few old referrals dating from 2015, and they still keep spending money on cam sites, and I’m making awesome passive commission from them. 1 Rev-Share customer will make you on average $80 per year in commission.



– You can work with RevShare with both low and high traffic websites

– You can make more money with RevShare than with PPS and PPL, longterm of course

– Once you capture your signup you will make more than $150 from him in the next 1-2 years

– It’s passive income once you get 500-700 signups, you can get $15-40 bucks every day for the next few years


How you get paid from Crakrevenue? 


If you live in US you can get paid by WIRE, if you live in any other place you will get paid with Paxum. Paxum will send you free Paxum card that you can use on all ATMs worldwide, and you can also use it as a regular credit card for shopping, paying gas… Click here to register on Paxum. Card delivery will take anywhere from 20-30 days. You can start making money even without your card, money will be stored on your account and once you get your card you can use your money. Crakrevenue will send Bi-Weekly payments.



How to install Crakrevenue Banner Ads


If you want to use Crakrevenue banner Ads on your website, I will show you how to do it in few easy steps.

First, click here and create your Crakrevenue account. Now login, and click on your Offers link in the left sidebar.


make money crakrevenue 2019


You will get a few options in your search area. In Vertical you can choose your offer category: Apps, Cam, Dating, Adult Gaming… leave it by default.

In Payout type you can choose Rev-share, DOI, PPS… If you are a newbie, you should use Rev-Share and DOI.

In Targeting, you can choose Mobile phone, Tablet, PC.. leave it by default if you want to target all of them.

In Country, you can choose countries you want to target, leave it by default in order to target all countries.

In Niche you can pick specific niches to promote or leave it by default in order to promote all niches.

In Status, choose Approved, and leave Accepted promotion methods by default.

Now click on Apply filter and Crakrevenue will show you 160+ Approved offers.


crakrevenue offers best 2019


You can choose any of those offers and you can use them on your website, I will take one for example.

Let’s take Camsoda Revshare offer, I love cam girl offers, they convert well, great commission and well known niche so people are not afraid to click on Cam girl ads.


rev share camsoda crakrevenue 2019


Offer page will show you the detailed information on this offer, this offer is automatically approved so you can promote it instantly, there are 251 Accepted countries for this offer, and you will get 65% Rev-Share commission for this offer.

If you send someone on Camsoda, and if they spend $100 there, you get $65.


making money crakrevenue method 2019


Scroll down to the bottom of your Offer page, and click on the Banner link.

Now, you are able to see all available banners you can use on your porn site, you can pick any of them.



If you want to use any of these banners, you can click on the banner options (3 small dots marked with red on my screenshot), and click on Copy code. Now you have your banner Ad code and you can use it on your website.

If you don’t have a porn site, you can click here and read my full a-z guide on how to start your first porn site.



Now you can go to your website -> WP-admin -> WP-script dashboard, and you can paste your Ad code in your Ad zones. You can choose different banner size for different Ad zone size on your website.

That’s it, paste your Ad code in your Ad zone and click on Save page.



Make Money with Crakrevenue Pop-up Ads


You probably know what annoying popup ads are, we all know. We use popups ads on all our porn sites, and I love them. Popup ads, if you use them well, can be a really nice money maker.

People use Popup ads too much, sometimes over 10 pop-up ads per visitor, and popup ads can drive people crazy and make them leave your site, don’t serve Pop-up ads more than 1-3 times per visitor.


How you actually make money from Popups?


Some Visitor come to your site, he get your Pop-Up ad and you make money from them, you will promote Crakrevenue PPL, PPS and Rev-Share offers using Pop-Up ads.

I explained you everything about PPL, PPS and Rev-Share in the beginning of this article.

Conversion rate using Pop-Up ads is not that great, they are forced, thus not many people will like them and only 1% will convert from them. You won’t get tons of money from pop-up ads if you have 200-500 visitors per day, but if you start getting over 2000 visitors per day, well that’s a real deal, we are using Crakrevenue (you can check their website here) and they will let you promote more than 200 offers using your pop-ups.


How to Install Pop-Up ads on your Porn site



Go to you Crakrevenue dashboard, click on Offers and you can choose your offer settings again.

In Payout type choose DOI, Rev-share and Rev-share Lifetime, in Status choose Approved and in Accepted promotion method choose Pop.

Click on Apply filter button and they will show you all available offers you can promote using Pop-ups.



You will be able to promote more than 200 offers, you can choose any of them.

Let’s take this offer for example, Slutroulette DOI offer will pay you $3.50 commission per lead and they support 80+ countries.

I will show you how to use Crakrevenue offers as a pop-up ad on your porn site.



Scroll down to the bottom of your offer page, and click on Pop Code.

Now copy your code and I will show you where to paste it.



Go to your WordPress admin panel, click on Appearance -> Editor, and click on Theme Footer in your Theme files sidebar.

Now scroll down and paste your Pop-Up code exactly above your </body> code, now click on Update file and that’s it, your Pop-Ups are working now.



Make Money with Adult Gaming


Adult games Affiliate Program – you send visitor to some mobile or desktop game, and that will pay you PPS, DOI or Rev-Share commission from each customer you send them using your affiliate link.

PPS game commission – When you send someone to download some game, and they download game and pay for Premium version of the game, you get PPS commission, on average $50 per customer

DOI game commission – You send your visitors on Landing page for some game, if they install this game with free trial, you get Pay per Install commission of $0.5-3

Rev-Share Game commission – If you send your visitors to download some game, and if they start spending money in this game, you get lifetime commission from their In-game spendings



Few years ago friend of mine told me about few affiliate programs with Porn RPG games, and I was really interested in this type of stuff. I saw few sex simulation RPG game ads on porn sites and they are showing the same ads over and over again, and I thought to myself: “If someone else is promoting these games constantly, they are probably making money with it.”

So I found out that I can promote some of the best legit Sex games through Crakrevenue. They will provide you with offers for some of the best selling 3D Sex games and you can make tons of money promoting them.


How much money you can make promoting Adult Games?


You can make 65% Revenue share for life. If you send some guy on their Rev-share games, you get 65% of their In-Game spend for life. I love Crakrevenue because they are 1000% legit, they pay on time and they have tons of offers you can choose from. You can get tons of customers on your Sex game banner ads, and conversion rate is crazy!

Why is their conversion rate that good? Because you can promote free-2-play games, your visitors will land on some game, and they will download it for free, if it’s free, and it’s good, everyone will download it, and play it.


But how do we make money if they play their games for free? 


Game itself will offer user upgrades, sexy costumes, sex tools, stuff to buy in-game, and these games are basically real world games like GTA multiplayer, everyone you meet in this game is real user and you can create virtual life inside this game with someone your meet, you can talk with them, build your virtual house where you can bring girls and make love with them.

You can upgrade penis size, you can buy clothes, you can buy new sex toys, new sex pose, women can upgrade breast size, you can buy basically everything. Tons of people are downloading these games and they are buying all type of upgrades every day.

You will start making money from them once they start buying upgrades! You will make 60-70% from your referral upgrades, and you will get their commission forever, as long as they play this game. Click here to check Crakrevenue network and read more about their commission rates, and check some of the games you can promote with them.

When I first started promoting sex games I got tons of registrations and downloads but no sales. Two weeks into promoting, few users spent some money, but nothing special, and one day, some guy spent $130 in one day and I made 50% commission from that sale. Four weeks into promoting sex games and I already got 110 referrals and 10-15 of them started spending their money, so I started making money.

This is passive income, you bring some new users, and you get lifetime commission whenever they pay for something in their sex game. Today, I have more than 2200 adult game referrals on Crakrevenue and 300 of them are constantly buying upgrades in their games, and I get new referrals every single day. I made $130 in my first month with this method, and I am constantly making $900-$1200 per month, for example I made $1220 last month (February 2019).



How to Install Adult gaming Ads on your Website


making money crakrevenue in 2019


First thing first, go to your Crakrevenue account dashboard, and click on Offers.

Now choose Adult gaming from Vertical dropdown options and choose Approved from Status dropdown options, now click on Apply Filter button.


crakrevenue narcos make money


You will be able to choose from more than 15 adult gaming offers on Crakrevenue.

You can choose between offers with PPS, Revshare and DOI commissions.



Let’s say you want to promote this game, Red Bed Seduction.

This is PPS offer, and they will give you $30 for every single customer you send them through your affiliate link. They are accepting customers from 155+ countries and their conversion rate is really great.



Now you should click on options button (3 small dots marked with red), and click on copy code it order to copy your Banner ad code.

Now you can go to your website and use that banner code for any of your Banner Ad slots.





Make Money with In-Stream Adult Ads, Pre-Roll and Mid-Roll



If you are using WP-script on your porn site you probably noticed how your visitors will sometimes get redirected to the original video, and this is really annoying, and you are losing visitors, but WP team released amazing plugin that will remove redirection from all your videos and you will also get really nice looking video player on your website.

Using Clean tube player will also prevent Tubes from showing their native embedded ads on their embed players on your website, and now you can insert your own ads in the Clean Tube Player options to display your own ads inside videos!



You will be able to insert 2 300X250 ads before video, and 2 banner ads when video is paused. And this is really great because without Clean tube, embedded videos are showing ads from original porn site, this is one of the best things you can use to increase your profit from porn site.



One of the best options on Clean tube Player are In-Stream ads, everyone will get this type of ads once in a while on porn sites. With Clean tube Player you can show your own Pre-roll ads and Mid-Roll ads on your video.

This is an example of Pre-Roll video from Xvideos.com:



So you can show 1 in-stream video before video starts, and 1 mid-roll ad in the middle of the video. I love in-stream ads because you can make you $3+ per 1000 in-stream ad impressions.


Best Adult In-Stream Ad network for your website?


Best In-stream ad network is Crakrevenue, they have really great ads, user friendly interface, they are 100% legit and we make tons of money from their in-stream ads, click here to register your Crakrevenue account.

Crakrevenue will approve your account in 12-24 hours, after that, go to your Offers, and search for “CR Smartlink – Multi-CPA – VAST PreRoll – Responsive” in your Browse Offers window.



Click on this offer and you will get new window where they ask you to request Approval for their In-Stream ads. They will approve you in 12-24 hours.



Click on Green button and you will have to fill some info about your traffic and your site, they will ask you for your Type of traffic, Traffic source and other relevant information about your site, and you can write something like this:



That’s it, now it will take them 12-24 hours to approve your application, once they approve it, you will be able to copy Offer link and paste it in your Video player and start making money from in-stream ads.

Now go to CR Smartlink offer page again, and copy Your tracking link.



Copy your tracking code and paste it in your URL box for pre-roll and mid-roll ads on your website.

Go to WP-script settings -> Video Player.



That’s it guys, this is how we monetize our porn sites and how we make money from them, hope you learned something today, and feel free to comment if you want to ask more things about monetization.



Make Money Flipping Porn Sites


We made tons of money by selling our sites, and first porn site I ever sold was back in 2014 when owner of 2 huge porn sites in the same niche offered me $4000 for my site that was generating $290 per month at that point, and I went nuts, I instantly agreed on that price, he paid me through Payoneer and I transferred my site to his hosting and I basically made $4000 in one day. Since 2014, I sold more than 85 sites, and I sold some of them for as low as $200, and some of them for as much as $18,000.

Most people who buy one website from you, will ask for more, because most guys are investing in sites and they are buying like crazy, so if you can provide high quality sites, they will become returning customers.


How you actually sell your site?


First time I ever sold my site, guy contacted me through Contact form on my website, he checked my stats and he asked me how much money I make with that site, he asked me to send him Analytic stats and income reports, and after that he offered me $4000 for my site. I sold most of my sites that way, and I even put “Site for sale” banner on some of my sites and I get at least 2-5 offers per month from banner alone. I will show you my Banner example:



You can also list your website on tons of different forums like BlackHatWorld and similar ones that support Marketplace threads. Another option if you want to sell a website, is to contact people you already know, someone who is already in this industry or someone in internet marketing business who might be interested investing in side income.

Selling directly to someone in your network can help you avoid the fees and hassle of using forums or auction sites, you can find tons of private Website Buyer groups on Facebook where you can offer your website or you can contact me and I can buy your website from you.

What do I get from buying your site? My team will scale it and resell it for 2X price in the next 6 months. I am interested in 1+ year old sites making at least $100 per month consistently for the last 6 months.


PROS of selling your site:

– You will have $$$ in your pocket instantly, money that you can invest in other projects

– You don’t have to spend 2-8 hours per day on maintenance

– You don’t have to stress about traffic and earnings from your website anymore


CONS of selling your site:

– You lose one (or only) income source

– Once you get few thousand bucks in your pocket you may spend money on stupid stuff and not use it wisely

– You were making money while watching porn, now you have to stop doing that *JOKE


If you ask me, you should never sell your site if you are making any money from it, because you should never sell your “income source”. Buuut, if you have more websites or if you need money for other business, or your goal is just to flip sites, maybe this is a way to go for you!


I can help you create your first website!

If you are a newbie and you are not sure if you are able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorials, I can help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn sites business using my 1 on 1 coaching and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search results and Social media. Contact me through my Facebook page: Onlineadrian.com


How to do SEO for Porn Site – On Page SEO Guide for Porn Sites



You can create 1000 porn sites, but if you don’t know how to do SEO for your sites, you will never make passive income from them. Search engine optimization is my favourite traffic source for 2 reasons:

It’s longterm solution – longterm traffic source, and second one is traffic quality, SEO traffic will give you 40% better conversion rate compared to any other traffic source.

We make money from Porn sites for 10+ years, you can read my full porn method here, or you can check my income report here. In this article I will write about On-page SEO for porn sites, and I will cover Off-page SEO in the next one.



ON-Page SEO for Porn Sites


On-page SEO for porn site is nothing different than on-page SEO for any other “normal” site. Few simple tips and tricks, and you can start getting visitors from Google in less than few weeks, I will show you how we do it.

ON-page SEO is more important than off-page SEO, so you should take it seriously, because SEO is the best “free” tool you can use to generate tons of traffic for your website.


Does my Domain Name and Domain extension Affect SEO?


Yes! Domain name does slightly affect SEO, if you start niche site, let’s say MILF, always include “MILF” keyword in your domain name. If you start teen porn site, always include “Teen” and some other porn related keyword like “Sex”, “Naughty”, “Sexy”, “Hot”, “Erotic”, “Horny” that will match your future content keywords.

If you skipped my Previous blog post on How to choose best niche for your porn site, you can read it right here.

It’s also great if you can use full Niche name as your domain name, let’s say you want to start “Big Tits MILF” porn site, you should always aim for something like “BigTitsMILF.com”.

. com is the best TLD for your website if you are targeting worldwide audience, on the other side, country extensions can be a smart choice if you are developing your website for local audience. It can favor your SEO strategy, so for example German porn website with German language and .de extension will get better search results in Germany VS. the same website with .com extension.


URL Structure – Permalinks are Important too!


Google considers the URLs you use on your website to tell them what your content is about. You can change your URL structure in your WordPress admin panel -> Settings.



You should use Post Name option, it’s simple, and it describes your niche and it show your video title keywords. Permalinks like this are both SEO signal for ranking and they are also great for sharing in chat and Social media because www.yoursite.com/hot-blonde-anal is much better and much more appealing to click on, compared to something like this: www.yoursite.com/?=11234ed.



Porn Site Video SEO


When you embed your videos with WP Mass Embedder, you embed the same videos as 5000+ other WP-Script users, same thumbnails, same title, same description, same tags, same everything, thats why you need to make your videos unique.

Google hates duplicate content, they only show unique stuff on their search results, unique blogs, images, videos, thumbnails.. and I will show you how to make your videos unique.

When you embed your video you will get some generic video Title like this one:



Titles have huge impact on your page rankings, so you have to use some really nice and eye catching titles. Ideal title length should be between 40-60 characters to be completely visible on Search results.

You have to change this generic title to something SEO friendly, just like I did here:



You have to do this for every single video, and you have to use 100% unique Title for each video, never copy title from other videos, Google will never rank you if you use the same title for multiple videos.

Be creative, use your imagination, you have to spend time on this because SEO is crucial for your website.



Now you should click on “Edit” button under your video title, and now you can edit your video permalink. You should delete everything from this box, and after that, click “OK” button to save changes.

WordPress will automatically create new permalink with your new video title in it.



Mass embedder will never embed Video descriptions, and this is one of the most important parts of your SEO for porn site.

Other sites like blogs, forums, news portals, they all have unique content 1000+ words of content per article, and Google will rank them because they always write their own content, and they have something unique to rank with.



You have to write at least 80-120 words for your video descriptions. Every single video should have unique description, this will take 2-3 minutes of your time, but it is really useful in terms of SEO, and it will boost your site on Google search results.

If you have more time or you want to rank your videos much better than average, you should write at least 200 words in your video description.



Now scroll under your Video description box and find Yoast SEO box there, click on “Edit Snippet” button.

You will be able to edit some more SEO options for your video.



Set your Focus keyword, it should be 1-3 words, “Blonde MILF” in this case. Copy your video description and paste it in your Meta description. Meta is the short description of your video that appears below the title in Google search results. This is how it looks like in action:



Tags are also really important for your SEO and should use them in every single video, tags are like related keywords for your video, and Google see them as separate pages, so they will also get ranked and the will start bringing visitors from search results.

We started using tags in our videos in January 2014, and few months after, tags increased our traffic by 9%.



Always add 5+ tags for your videos, they should contain 1-3 words. Tags are really useful for visitors too, because tags will enable better navigation for your visitors, they can click on any Tag they like and watch similar videos with the same tag.



Categories are important too, you should choose more than 1 category for each video, so visitors can find the same video under more categories, this will slightly improve your SEO and it will approve navigation for your visitors, because most users are searching videos by Category.



Image SEO


Once you are done with Video SEO, you can start working on Image SEO. Featured images are by default embedded with your videos, so every single WP-script user will get the same Featured images one their sites, that’s why 99% of them are getting 0% traffic from Google Images.

That’s why you have to change them! Google Image search is our main SEO traffic source with over 55% traffic coming from Google Images. I will show you how to do your Image SEO, it’s really simple, and it will skyrocket your SEO traffic.



Go to your Video editor, scroll down and find Featured image section. Mass Embedder will import default Video thumbnail for all your videos, and you have to change them and make them unique.

Click on “Remove featured image” button, now you removed your image and you have to upload another one.

Play your video, find some great scene, and take screenshot of that scene, save your new Screenshot to your Desktop.



Now you have to Compress your new screenshot to make it lighter, we have to do this because PageSpeed is one of the most important things for SEO.

Google does not like slow sites because visitors hate slow sites, and most visitors will eventually leave while website is still loading if it takes too much time.

Go to ImageCompressor.com, it’s free online tool, and they will help you reduce your screenshots by up to 80%.

Now download your new Image, and save it on your computer. Your image name will probably appear as something like: “Screenshot-23-03-2019.png”, and this is why most sites are getting no SEO traffic from Google images.

This image name is not SEO friendly, no one is looking for Screenshot 2019, if you want to rank your image for “Blonde fucked by her boss”, you need to use those keywords for you image title.

Always use “-” to separate words in your image title, most people are not familiar with this, but Google actually see “-” as a space. So the right way to set my image title would be this: “Blonde-fucked-by-her-boss”, because Google will see it as “Blonde fucked by her boss”.

If you don’t use “-” to separate words in your title, Google will see it as: “Blondefuckedbyherboss”.



Now get back to your Video editor, scroll down to Featured image again, and click on “Set featured image” button.



You will get this popup window where you should click on “Select files” button, find your new image, and upload it.

After uploading, your new featured image will look like this, so you need to make some changes to it.



You need to take your title and remove “-” from it. After that, copy your title, and paste it into your Caption and Alt Text boxes.

Description should be unique for each image, write 10-15 words of description for each image. After you complete all this, you are done with your On-Page SEO, save your new featured image, and Save your Video.

Never embed more than 15 videos per day on your website, your website is still new website, and you don’t want to spam Google with tons of new videos every day. 10 videos per day is OK as long as they have unique SEO and unique image.

I will write new article on How to do Off-page SEO for Porn sites in the next few days, so make sure you are subscribed to my Newsletter!


I can help you create your first website!

If you are a newbie and you are not sure if you are able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorials, I can help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn sites business using my 1 on 1 coaching and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search results and Social media. Contact me through my Facebook page: Onlineadrian.com


How to Make Money on Pornhub



Pornhub is the biggest porn site right now, with over 3 billion unique visitors each month.

Being a huge porn site allows Pornhub to make an enormous amount of money each month because they are receiving highly targeted traffic, and they are monetizing visitors in the right way.

Every single Pornhub visitor can be considered as a potential customer, and if you are promoting something on Pornhub, this is great news for you, because there are 3 billion of them each month.

If you’re an open-minded person, Pornhub can be an amazing online opportunity where you can be your own boss. It’s a legit and lucrative way to make money online.



Making money with Pornhub


What’s this method about, will I get naked? Yes, you’ll be creating and selling your own adult videos and photos.

I have to remind you, you can only make money using your own videos, and you have to own the rights to everything you publish on Pornhub. You can’t upload other people’s porn videos and make money off them. It has to be your own videos and photos.

There are many different monetization options with Pornhub. Regardless of how you decide to monetize your content, the first thing you need to do is to create your Pornhub account.

You should also join the Verified Amateur Program (it’s free).

Now go to Pornhub and upload your amazing content for people to enjoy.



How Much Money can you Make on Pornhub?



Your monthly earnings will depend on your video quality and performance (Pornhub views).

There are a few different ways to monetize your videos, it’s hard to say exactly how much you can earn, but most of your money will be coming from a banner ad monetization.

Your earnings will depend on these three things:


Number of views on your video

CTR (number of clicks on your video ads)

Visitor’s country (you will make more money from US, Canada, and UK visitors)


The average Pornhub RPM (price per 1000 views) was $1.20 in 2020. You can calculate your average future income based on this number alone.

If you, for example, upload 50 videos on Pornhub, and if you get a combined total of 1 million views in a month, you’d earn around $1,200.

Becoming a creator on Pornhub is a great thing because Pornhub is still not as saturated as some other video platforms like Youtube or Vimeo, so it is really easy to get more views even on some mid-quality videos. We worked with some mid-size Porhub creators, and most of them are making $2000-4000 per month by uploading only 2-3 videos per month, plus, even if you stop working for the next 2 years, you would still be getting your revenue checks, because your existing videos will stay on Pornhub for a long time.



Make Money by Uploading Porn Videos


Take Youtube, for example, take some random Youtube channel that’s making tons of money.

On average, 80% of their income is coming from Youtube ads (10% from merch, 10% from sponsored videos), advertisers are paying Youtube to show their ads. Youtube is placing their ads on your videos, and they are sharing share their earnings with you, Youtube will get 30% and you will get 70%.

This is the most popular way to make money on Pornhub, too. All you have to do, record and upload your videos to Pornhub, people will be able to watch your videos for free on Pornhub.com, and you’ll then start making money by generating ad revenue on your videos.

Your profit depends on the number of views and video rating.



Make Money with Pornhub Premium


If you upload your videos constantly, and if you start getting constant views, you can claim your Verified status. Once you become Verified, you can upload premium videos and make them available on Pornhub Premium by checking the ‘viewable on premium’ option during your upload process.

Pornhub Premium will make you 20-30X more money as opposed to your ordinary RPM of $1.20.

Pornhub is charging $10 per month for access to their premium videos, and they are sharing most of their monthly income from the Premium section to their users, Pornhub is taking only 15% for themself.

The average RPM for premium videos is anywhere from $20-40 per 1000 views.



Sell Porn Videos for Cash


sell porn videos for cash


Verified Pornhub users can sign up to their Modeling site: ModelHub.com.

Modelhub will allow you to upload your videos on their website and sell your photos and videos for cash, or monetize them and collect ad revenue.

If you decide to sell your video, you’ll earn 65% of the sale price every time someone purchases it.

If you decide to monetize your videos, you can list them on Modelhub for free and you will earn some ad revenue percentage, just as you would with your Pornhub videos.

Most people are uploading free-to-view Pornhub videos in order to lure viewers to buy their Modelhub videos.

If you are looking to become a full-time webcam model, you can check my article on how to become a webcam model and make $60 per hour.



Make Money with Pornhub Referral program


make money with pornhub referrals


If you are a Pornhub Model you can now send your friends to the Model Program, and earn a referral bonus of $50 for each of your referrals. All you have to do is encourage some of your friends you know that might be interested in selling videos to sign up using your referral link.

If you are a verified Pornhub Model, you will receive a unique referral link that you can send to your friends.

Each time someone signs up to the Modeling program using your referral link and uploads at least 2 videos, you will get a $50 referral bonus.


If you are looking to become a full-time webcam model, you can check my article on how to become a webcam model and make $60 per hour.



Get my Porn Sites Coaching with $0 Upfront Payment and Start Making Money with Porn



86 people joined my coaching so far, 80% of them are making money from their porn sites, other 20% are just too lazy to spend 1-2 hours per day working on their site.

I am working with porn sites since 2014, and I developed my own SEO, Social, Re-uploading, and scaling tactics that can help you build your porn site and start making money from it, in just 4-8 weeks.

Even tho I guarantee your success, I am struggling to sell my coaching to my visitors.

That’s because 80% of my traffic is coming from India, Pakistan, Bosnia, Philippines, Maroco, and many other 2nd and 3rd world countries, and their investment budget is something like $50.

My coaching is not necessary for you to start making money with your porn site, you can start a porn site by yourself, using free tutorials from my blog.

You can start working with ON page SEO, Social profiles, Re-uploading. You can try and you can fail but you will learn eventually, you will learn from your mistakes over the next 12-24 months of running your porn sites.

This coaching is basically 10 years of my porn site experience and knowledge, compiled into video lessons, that will save you from learning from your own mistakes. You also get my 1 on 1 support over Skype, and I will work with you until you start making at least $15 per day.


make money porn site proof

porn coaching



I launched my new NO UPFRONT PAYMENT coaching program in February, you can visit my coaching page for more details.

The coaching price is $349, you pay me $349 once you make your first $1,000 from your porn sites.

I will help you pick your niches, domains, I will help you create your websites. I will provide you with 3 months of ONE on ONE coaching.

I will teach you how to build your site, how to do ON and OFF page SEO, how to get social traffic, how to start using the re-uploading method, how to monetize sites, how to scale your sites, how to sell your sites, and how to start making passive income from porn sites.

I will track your progress during the next 3 months and I will be available for you whenever you need me.

Your only expense will be $35, the 6-month payment for your adult hosting and domain.

People get suspicious once they find my NO UPFRONT PAYMENT coaching offer, and they ask me: “What’s the catch?”

Well, there is no catch, and I will explain why.

80% of my coaching students will start making money from their porn sites, 20% of them are just too lazy to spend 1-2 hours per day working on their sites.


porn site coaching



When I used to charge $350 upfront, I was getting 1-2 coaching students per month, that’s $700 total.

When I created my $0 upfront payment offer, I started getting 20 coaching students per month and if 80% of them start making money, 16 students will pay me $350 once they make their first $1,000, that’s $5,600 total, each month.

It’s a WIN-WIN, I am getting more coaching students, and you are getting my coaching with $0 upfront.


Can you create your porn site with no previous experience?

How long does it take to start making money?

Is it legal to own a porn site?

Can you start a porn site from India?

How to start working with me?


Read more About my Coaching