Hey, few days ago I wrote an article about MOBE, and tons of you started working with MOBE, some of my readers already contacted me with their first results.
I explained you how I made $2800 with MOBE in only 2 weeks promoting their stuff, if you missed that article you can read it on this link.
At this moment I’m already 3 weeks into MTTB 21 step program and I’ve already made $3050 promoting MOBE products on social networks and forums, I have my personal consultant at MOBE, you get your own consultant for free when you start with MTTB 21 step program.
I like everything about this program and I have something special for you today.
I will talk about MOBE motors program, where you can get free car from MOBE, I will explain you everything in a minute, stay with me, and I will write this article for newbies so everyone can understand it.
What is MOBE Motors and How to Get Free Car?
If you never heard of MOBE you probably think this whole free car thing is funny and you think this is some kind of scam or some kind of joke.
Well I have some good news, nope, it’s not a joke, MOBE is legit company and more than 60 people already earned their free cars with MOBE, some of them took family cars, and some of them took expensive luxury cars like Mercedes SL and Ferrari 458.
You can click here you can watch testimonials from people who already earned their free car from MOBE.
If you never heard of MOBE I will help you, I will explain you this MOBE making money model once again, and if you want it in details you can read my full MOBE article here.
So you basically register with MOBE, and they will teach you how to get customer from social media, SEO and offline methods, and once you send them customers they will keep working with them, MOBE sales team will call customers on their phones and they will sell them some $50 or $100 items first, but few weeks after they will start selling them high ticket items, and you will get lifetime commission from your customers.
You will get commission from every single purchase your customer ever make with MOBE.
You will get 50% commission from every MOBE purchase from your customer.
If you send some customer on some $30 MOBE item and if they buy it, you will get $15 commission, and if MOBE sales team sell your customer some $500 product few days after, you will get $250 commission from that sale too, and if MOBE sell them $10 000 item few weeks after you will get $5000 commission…
I hope you understand this concept, so basically you will send customers to MOBE, and you will get commission from every single purchase your customer ever make, and MOBE is selling high ticket items, and they are good at it, so they will sell your customer high ticket items too, so you can get thousand in commission from every single customer you send to MOBE.
Imagine having 1000+ customers, you can easily make 6-7 figures per year, every year.
About MOBE Motors
MOBE owner Matt Lloyd decided to make his partners even more happy, so he created MOBE Motors program.
If you start promoting MOBE you will earn commissions from MOBE sales, and with every $1000 you make, you will get 1 MOBE Motors point in your account.
Once you make $5000 (5 points) with MOBE you will get an email from Matt Lloyd and he will offer you free car.
Now let me explain you how Matt Lloyd is gonna pay for your car.
If you work with MOBE you will make money from sales, and with every $1000 you make you will get 1 MOBE Motors point.
1 MOBE Motors point = $125 lease money for your car.
So if you make $5000 in MOBE commission every month, you will get 5 MOBE motors points every month.
5 MOBE Points are equal to $600 in lease for your car.
So if you make $5000 with MOBE every month, MOBE will pay you $5000 every month + they will pay $600 for your car lease.
1 MOBE point = $125 worth of car lease, if you make 2 points per month, MOBE will pay $250 for your car, if you make 10 MOBE points MOBE will pay $1250 for your car, it’s up to you.
When you make $5000 in commission you will qualify for your MOBE Motors car, so you can go to any car shop and take any car you want, and Matt Lloyd will pay your lease every month (your MOBE points will pay your lease).
So let’s say you make $3000 per month with MOBE, you will get paid $3000 + Matt will give you 3 MOBE points that will cover your car lease, so you can make tons of money every month, and you can drive your free car.
I started promoting MOBE 3 weeks ago and I already earned 3 MOBE Points, I hope I can reach $5000 till the end of this month so I can qualify for my free car from MOBE.
The post How to Get Free Car from MOBE – MOBE Motors Review appeared first on OnlineAdrian.