Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online.
I work online since I was 14 and I made my first money from affiliate marketing back in 2008.
Now in 2016, I promote more than 300 affiliate products and more than 20 affiliate networks on my niche sites.
I know how this whole making money with affiliate programs thing is complicated for newbies, so I will try to make it simple for you right here and right now.
So, I will write this articles for newbies, and if you have any questions you can contact me through my contact form.
What does Affiliate means and How does it work?
If you never heard about affiliate programs, or if you never understood it, I will try to explain you everything, in few simple steps.
So basically, there are websites and networks that sell different products, from books, gadgets, clothes and cars.
In the last few years 90% of these online stores started their own affiliate program.
Let’s say there is some PC ecommerce site online and they sell bunch of laptops in their store.
So, now you go to their site and you register with their affiliate program, what’s next?
If you are internet marketer, and you know how to sell PC-s, you can make tons of money with their affiliate program.
So if you are their affiliate now, you will be able to create unique affiliate link for each of their products from their store.
If their store name is, your affiliate link will probably be
Now, when you create affiliate link for some laptop, you can send this link to bunch of people online, you can promote it on your own site, on youtube, on Facebook…
If people click on your link, and if they buy PC, you will get commission from that sale.
Affiliate program will usually use cookies to mark your visitor and if they buy anything from their site in the next few days you will get commission from those sales.
Affiliate commissions are usually in 5-30% range for different products.
I hope you understand this, you send people to some web-shop, Amazon.. and if those people buy something from that site, you will get commission because you sent them on affiliate product.
What are some of the best Affiliate Programs?
Amazon affiliate program is probably one of the best and one of the most popular affiliate programs nowdays, you can read my article on how to make money with Amazon affiliates on this link.
With Amazon affiliate program, you can promote every single product from Amazon store, and there are more than million products on their site.
When you register for Amazon affiliate program, and you can register here, you will be able to generate affiliate link for every single product you want to promote.
Amazon will give you 4-8% commission for your sales through their affiliate program.
One of the best affiliate programs similar to Amazon is AliExpess affiliate program.
AliExpress affiliate is even better choice to start with if you are a newbie, you can promote billion products from Aliexpress, and most of them are pretty affordable, gadgets and stuff like that, and people will buy that stuff more than expensive products from Amazon.
Aliexpress will also give you 5%-10% on your affiliate sales.
One more advantage from Aliexpress over Amazon affiliate program is the thing that you can get commission for your sales worldwide, so you will get commission even for sales from small countries like Bosnia and some small places in India, and if you use Amazon you can get commission for sales from few countries only.
You can click here and read my method on how to make 100$ per day with Aliexpress affiliate program.
If you want to sell online courses you can check Udemy.
Udemy is huge online course marketplace, and you can find million courses there, in more than 100 different niches.
Click here to check my Udemy money making method.
You will get 50% commission for every sale you send to Udemy, so if you sell $60 course, you will get $30 commission for that sale.
And if you can make few sales every day, you can make pretty nice money with it.
One of the most crowded places online are lottery and gambling websites.
Lottery affiliate programs are amazing, you can make great commission there, and people are buying lottery shit like crazy.
I personally promote few gambling programs and few lottery websites for 3 years now, and I have my own methods and twist on these affiliate programs.
You can check my Lottery affiliate method on this link.
With lottery sites, you can promote everything from small casino games up to huge lotteries like EuroJackpot and PowerBall.
If you want to sell any kind of digital, SEO, web design, photo design products, you can register for few biggest digital product networks and start making money.
One of my favourite digital products affiliate networks is JvZoo.
JvZoo can offer you more than 20 000 product to promote, and you can promote everything from basic drawing software, SEO tools, WordPress themes and plugins and all other sick products that people buy like crazy.
You will get 20-70% commission on JvZoo sales, depending on your product vendor.
Other digital affiliate network I use is Clickbank, and this network is (probably) the oldest digital affiliate website online.
You can see how I made $5000 with CB affiliate program on this link.
You can promote all kind of products from this site, health books, how-to books and DVD-s, web-design tools…
Clickbank will also give you 20-60% commission for your affiliate sales.
One of the best selling affiliate products online are fashion items, mostly women’s fashion items.
There are few best affiliate programs you can use to promote fashion stuff from famous brand.
ShareASale is one of my favourite affiliate sites, and I use it on most of my fashion niche sites.
Great commissions, 5-30% depending on product seller, and millions of products to choose from.
LinkShare and Commission Junction are probably only affiliate fashion networks I trust, along with ShareAsale of course.
You can promote thousand+ brands from these sites, and you can get pretty high commission rates
I promote webcam modeling for 2 years and it’s one of my main affiliate businesses right now.
Billion girls are working online on webcams, and you can get your own piece of cake right there.
If you send girls on these webcam modeling sites through their affiliate program, you can make 10% commission from models income, for life.
If you want to become a cam girl you can read my article about How to become cam girl and how to make money with webcam modeling.
Webcam girls are making huge amounts of money every day, 100-300$, and you can make 10-30$ from every girls per day, so if you refer 20 girls, and if each of them make 200$ per day, you will make 20$ commission from each girl, that’s 400$ in total.
I also wrote article about this webcam affiliate method few weeks ago, you can read it here.
So, if you send some model on some webcam modeling site with their affiliate program, and if this model make 100$ per day, you will get 10$ from their earnings, every single day.
One of the best affiliate programs I make money with is Crakrevenue affiliate program.
You can promote hundred+ offers from this site, and you can make hell lot of money with it.
This method is also the most popular method on my blog, and you should read it on this link.
You can read my 100$ passive income method on this link.
So, you will basically register with Crakrevenue, and you will send them targeted porn visitors, and when your visitor register for their offer, you will get commission from every sale, and you can get anywhere from 2$ for PPL and up to 200$ per sale for PPS offers.
If you work on this method 1-3 hours per day you can make easy 100-200$ per day, every day.
And that was my ‘short’ article about affiliate marketing money making.
If you want to read more methods from my blog click here.
The post What is Affiliate Marketing and How to Make Money with Affiliate Programs appeared first on OnlineAdrian.