Hey guys, I know how most of you love to make money from affiliate programs, and I love affiliate marketing too.
Affiliate programs are great, you create no content, you spend no money on the actual product, you ship no products and you don’t have to worry about refunds of any type, you just have to sell affiliate product and that’s it.
Selling affiliate products is pretty easy if you are into IM and selling digital affiliate products is even easier.
Today I’ll show you one of the best affiliate programs online, and I will show you how to make money with it.
I will try to explain everything for newbies so everyone can understand it.
What is Udemy and How to Make Money with it
I used tons of affiliate programs in the last few years and I successfully created few businesses with those affiliate programs.
Few months ago friend of mine told me how he made 2000-3000$ with Udemy, he told me how he used his “method” and I started working with my own twist on this method he told me about.
First month into this and I made 600$ with 20 hours of work on this, they even sent me money at the end of the same month, so I started working with this method more and more and I sold tons of courses from Udemy in the last 70 days.
What is Udemy Affiliate program?
Udemy is a website where people sell video/digital courses, you can basically find million courses there, in multiple niches like language courses, programming courses, drawing, writing, swimming, sewing courses, you can find courses in over 40 different niches and you can use your affiliate link to sell these courses online.
Udemy courses are pretty affordable, and you can learn tons of stuff there, so most of them are priced from $20-$50 and 10 000+ people buy courses from Udemy, every single day.
If you sell any of these courses from Udemy using your affiliate link, you will get 50% from your affiliate sale.
So, if you sell 5 courses every day, with average price of $40, you can easily make 100$ every day, that’s 3000$ per month.
Udemy affiliate program is great, they will accept you as their affiliate in few hours, you can click here and sign up for your account and start promoting their courses.
They will payout your commissions at the end of the month on your Paypal account, fast and easy.
You will get 50% commission from your affiliate sales, and you can use their amazing promotion materials, banners, reviews and texts.
How to Promote Udemy Courses
Udemy affiliate program is great and everything, but there is one more problem, how to sell Udemy courses?
Well, you have to think, there are like million courses on Udemy, these courses are high quality, long and valuable courses and people will buy it, you just have to find the right audience.
I sold more than 1000 courses in the last 60-70 days, and I made some nice money from my affiliate sales, so I invest more and more in this method.
Sell Udemy courses to students
Best audience where you can sell Udemy courses are obviously students.
Billions of students are searching for educational courses online, every day, and you can easily sell them Udemy courses.
Students are looking for all type of courses, different niche students are looking for different niche courses, like architecture, language courses, medical courses, how to study and how to read fast courses..
And one of the best things you can do when it comes to selling these courses it to target students when you advertise courses with your affiliate link.
Advertise courses on Social networks and Search engines
Social networks are advertising heaven, you can target any group of people you want, you can target age, sex, education, city… so you can sell basically any course you promote if you target the right audience.
Social advertising is cheap af, you can get more than 10 000 impressions on Facebook and Instagram for less than $5 and you can make $100 from $5 investment if you are smart enough.
For example, you want to sell some architecture course online, go to Udemy, find architecture course, go to Facebook, create new Ad where you target Facebook pages like Arch students, some Arch colleges, Architecture companies and some Architecture magazines.
Udemy is amazing, you can sell tons of courses every day, people are buying courses like crazy and if you work hard and smart you can easily make $100+ per day from Udemy.
If you want to find more methods from my blog you can click here, and if you have any questions about Udemy you can contact me and I will try to help you.
The post How to Make Money with Udemy Affiliate Program appeared first on OnlineAdrian.