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How to Make Money Uploading Sex Pictures


Hey people, you all know me from my Porn videos uploading method and most of you guys are making some nice income with that method.

If you missed my Videos uploading method you can read it here.

I have new method for you, it’s pretty similar to Porn uploading, and you can make tons of money with this one too.

You can also combine this method with Porn uploading so you can make X2 money.

This method is a little bit different, and I will explain everything for you in few simple steps so everyone can understand it.

You can also contact me at any time if you need some help with this method.



What is this method About?


If you know something about my porn videos uploading method it’s easy for you to start with this method too.

For newbies, I will try to explain this method in basic lines.

So, first you will find some nice porn (sex) pictures online, and you will add your affiliate watermark on them.

Once you watermark enough pictures you can start uploading them and you can start making money with this method.

So basically you will watermark some nice sex photos, and you will upload them on sex photo sites and you will make money with PPL and PPS sales when people visit your domain.

This is really easy money, and you can start making really nice passive income with this method.

Once you upload 1000+ photos online you can got out, fishing, riding bike and stuff while your photos are making money for you, 100% passive.

I will explain you how to start with this method, I will do basic step by step tutorial on how to do this.



How to Start Making Money with This Method


make money with adfly 2016 method


I will explain you few things you need to know about this method, and I will show you step by step on how to start making money with this method.

First thing first, you will need at least 50+ photos to start with this method, and I would recommend you to search for these photos on Google or some other porn picture sites like Sex.com.

Best pictures for this method are teen girls, orgasm photos and milf photos.

Create folder on your Desktop and download photos in that folder.

Download only pictures larger than 500x500px because you will get more profit and more SE traffic on these pictures.

When you collect 50 photos go to the next step.



Create Crakrevenue Account


If you don’t know anything about Crakrevenue I will explain you something about this network in few lines.

Crakrevenue.com is the best PPS and PPL website that will help you make money online.

This network is free to join and everyone can register.

Click here to register on Crakrevenue.com.

When you register on Crakrevenue they will ask you for your website, that’s because they want to know if you already have some website and if you give them some already established website they will accept you.

If you don’t have any established site of yours, you can give them some random website from internet, like 123Games.com or any other site.

If Crakrevenue reject you read this and you can start making money with these networks.


But how can I make money with CR?


You will create watermarks on your pictures, with your domain name on it, and your domain will redirect your visitors from your domain to Crakrevenue offer, and Crakrevenue will pay you $40-$50 if your visitor Signup on PPS offer and $2.5-$5 if visitors use free registration.

You will also add your domain name in your photo title.

Read my blog post on How to choose the best Crakrevenue offer to promote.

You will get your money through Crakrevenue, and Crakrevenue will pay you with Payoneer.

If you are from US Crakrevenue will send you checks, and for other countries Payoneer is the best solution.

Payoneer is a free card and you can apply for it right now, and you can use it worldwide, if you apply for this card through my link you will get free 25$ on your card.

Click here to get your Payoneer card and 25$ on it.

If you want to read my full tutorial on How to get your Payoneer card click here.

Payoneer is free and you don’t have to pay for this card, and if you apply for your card now you will get free 25$ on it.



Get Your Domain and Hosting


Now, you will need domain name and hosting for this method, it’s your only investment and you will pay 50-60$ for domain and hosting.

Now you will choose your domain for this method.

Click here to learn how to buy BlueHost Hosting and how to get free domain with it.

You can choose any domain you want, but I would recommend you to go with something like SexyAsianGirls.com or WebcamOrgasmTeens.com or something like that, be creative.


Why do you need this domain for this method?


You will watermark your photos with your domain, and you will redirect your domain to Crakrevenue offers, and most of their offers are Webcam related, so they will send visitors to webcam girls sites.

So, it’s better for you to choose some domain with ‘Webcam’ or ‘Cam’ in it, because visitors are more likely to visit: HotCamGirls.com rather than NakedPussygirl555.net.

More people will visit simple and attractive domain, and you will make more money.


Read my tutorial on how to buy BlueHost Hosting and how to get free domain for your method.


Choose cheapest hosting plan from Bluehost and take one year package, and you will get free domain with hosting.

Reminder: This is your only investment for this method and 60$ is 1 year investment, so you will probably make that money in your first week with this method.

Bluehost is great hosting for this method, I use them for all my sites, they allow porn redirection and I never had any problems with their hosting, you can read my review of Bluehost hosting.

So, when you buy your hosting and domain, you need to do one more thing..


Now it’s time to redirect your domain.

Go to Crakrevenue and choose one of their offers.

You should choose PPL offer first, because you will make some easy money with PPL because sometimes you will get 5 PPL commissions with 10 unique visitors, and when you start getting 50 and more clicks per day, you can start with PPS.

You will create offer link (choose any offer that you like, I use Slutroulette) and redirect your domain to this link, so whenever visitor wants to see more naked girls on your domain, domain will redirect them to PPL offer and you will make your money.


REMINDER: If you don’t know how to redirect domain you can do it in Cpanel of your domain, and if you don’t know how to do that, you can ask BlueHost support to do that for you and they will redirect it for you in few minutes.

If you still don’t know how to redirect domain or you have any problem with this method please contact me I will help you redirect it.

Click here to Contact me



Upload Pictures and Make Money!


Now you are almost there, now you just have to watermark your pictures and upload them online.

This step is easy if you know basic things online like watermarking, uploading and shit.

When you download photos on your desktop and when you buy your domain you are ready to watermark them.

When you watermark your photos they will look like this, so always watermark them in the bottom right corner.


porn method adrian


You can find some free watermark tools and most of them are slow as fuck, so you can use some paid watermark software, I use professional watermark software, and you can try it, you can use it for 10-15 days with free trial.

With this tool you can watermark 300 photos in 60 seconds so for me it’s great.

You should watermark your photos with text like: More girls on – YourDomain.com.

If you have nice photos people will visit your domain, and my ratio is 15% views to click.

So if 100 people open your photo, 15 of them will visit your domain, and my Crakrevenue ratio is 1/30, so one in 30 people who visit my domain register for free on some webcam site and I make 2-5$.


Where should I upload my pictures?


There are tons of sites you can upload your pictures on, but I will try to show you some of the most popular ones.

Some of them are:




Image Fap

HotPorn Pictures




When you upload photos you can also add some title on your photos.

Write new title for each photo and you will get tons of visitors from titles too, so when you write your title write something like:

Sexy Ann having orgasm – More photos of her on YourDomain.com.

If people like this girl they will visit your domain, and you will make money.

You should upload 10 pictures per hour, so 100 photos per day.

You will start making money only 1-2 days after uploading your first photos.

And after 20 days you will have 2000 photos online, and you will start making passive income every day, it’s not a fortune, but 30-40$ per day is nice money for newbies, and you can make 1000$ in a month and you can invest that money in some other method.


If you have any question about this method, or you need any help, you can contact me and I will help you set everything up.

You can click here and check my Porn videos uploading method, or you can click here and check other methods from my blog.


The post How to Make Money Uploading Sex Pictures appeared first on OnlineAdrian.

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