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How to Start a Porn Site and How to Make Money With Porn Sites


If you read my blog you probably know that I’m into porn methods, webcam girls, porn uploading and all sort of stuff connected with porn.

Why is that so?

I work with this because 80% of internet is just porn, and there will never be enough porn and people are constantly looking for more and more porn online.

So I am here to give them some porn, and if you work in porn niche you will make some nice money too, because porn is one of the most profitable industries ever.



How Do I Make Money With Porn?


I was never into porn sites and porn content, but when I started with my porn uploading method 4-5 years ago I made tons of money with it and I realized how big porn industry really is.

I started with porn uploading few years ago, and I shared this method on my blog few months ago, you can read it if you click here.

After 1 year of video uploading I made enough money to pay other people to upload videos for me while I invest my time and money in other methods.

After this method, I realized how profitable porn really is, and when I talked with some webcam models I realized that they make 200-500$ per day from their room, with their webcam, so I wrote this article about How to become a webcam model in 2016.

I also realized how I can make money with this, basically, cam sites will pay you to send them new models, so models will work for this company, and models will make 100$ and more every day, and if they sign up through your referral link you will get 10% from their earnings, every day.

Your model will not be charged for your 10%, cam site will pay you this 10% separately, so you model will earn what they earn, and you will get 10% from company because you sent them that model, you can read more about this in my article about Webcam modeling agents.

So, after that, I created my first porn site, I was so into this, I used CMS for this so it was really easy, and after 2 months I created another one, and another one, and now I run 9 porn sites, some of them are full porn sites, some of them are niche sites, like MILF, Anal, Ebony…

For example, you can see one of my newest porn sites, I created this one 30 days ago, and I’m already making money with it, you can click here to visit this website.

My newest website: www.Geezporn.com

Porn site is probably one of the most profitable types of website online, and believe me, you can make tons of money with it.



How to Create your own Porn Site


how to create porn website


10 years ago when some of the first porn sites came online, it was really hard to create a website, and porn site is a really complicated website, so you would need 100 000 lines of code in order to create one simple porn site.

But today, there is one script that can save you from coding, paying for your programmers and testing your website over and over again for years until it’s ready for launching.

When I made some money with my uploading porn method I became more interested in all these porn sites because I was already into this niche.

I was wondering, there are literally 10 000+ porn sites online and all of them are online and working 24/7, is it possible that all of them are making so much money?

I will explain you this, porn is so huge industry that there will never be enough porn online, people are watching porn every day, for hours, 5 billion people, and if you create a porn site, no one will ever say: ‘Damn, someone made new porn site.’, they will just like it, no one hate porn sites, no one.

If you have some nice design, nice content and stable hosting you will make money with your porn site.

Now, I will explain you how to create your own porn site in 10 minutes, just like I did.



Step 1: Hosting and Domain


First thing first, if you want to start a porn site, you will need some nice hosting and domain for your site.

There is only one hosting online that’s affordable, that supports porn sites and it’s amazingly fast.

This hosting is Hostgator, probably one of the best hosting sites online, and only Hostgator will allow you to build your porn site on their shared hosting, you can click here to visit their homepage and check their prices.

They are really affordable, you can buy this hosting for 4$ per month.



How to buy Hostgator Hosting; Step by Step


First click here to visit HostGator homepage.

When you land on their homepage you will see Web Hosting icon in website top menu, click there.


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When you click on Web Hosting, site will redirect you to hosting size chooser.

If you are starting only one site you can choose Hatchling Plan, this plan will give you everything else like any other plans, but you will be able to host only one domain on this plan.

But if you decide to start another site in few days or months, you can always upgrade this hosting plan on bigger one, so I would recommend this one.

You will get unlimited add on domains space, unlimited space, One click installer, SSL certificate, and 100+ other features.

So when you choose your plan, either Hatchlink, Baby or Business, you will be step closer to your porn website.


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When you decide about your hosting plan, click on this yellow button and site will redirect you one step further, now you will choose your plan size and your domain name.


How to choose your domain name?


You can go to LeanDomainSearch and search for domain with ‘porn’ or ‘tube’ or ‘hub’.

That site will list you 1000+ interesting domain names, and when you find nice one enter it here into this form.

After that, click on Billing Cycle dropdown menu and choose 1, 2 or 3 years hosting plan.

You should buy 3 years hosting, because even if you stop working with this site you can still have great hosting and you can start some other site there.

They will also give you huge discount, more years = more discount, it’s up to you.


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After that, enter your Billing info, your personal and contact information and  your payment type (you can pay with Paypal).

Now you can choose some additional services, but if you choose them you will pay more for your hosting, and you don’t need them at all, believe me.

Uncheck all of them all and you will be fine, if you need some of them later, you can buy them at any time.

Site backup is simple and your script will have Backup option, so you don’t need that.

You can use your own email so you don’t have to pay 5$ per month for Gmail.

Constant contact is not required, you can get their free support if you need something.

So just uncheck them all and skip to the next step.


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This is your final step, and I will surprise you here, I will give you 25% OFF coupon on your order, yes!

In your Coupon Code box enter ADRIAN25OFF and click validate.

Your order amount will be changed and your hosting price box will apply this coupon and your order will drop down for 25%.


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Now you just have to pay your order and you’re done, now I will show you how to install your porn website.

That’s it, if you have some questions about this tutorial you can contact me here on my mail, and I will try to help you with your questions.



Step 2: Adult Video Script


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If you wonder how your site is going to look like, I have your answer, your site will be identical to some of the biggest porn sites online, like PornHub.

But how can I create site like that, I don’t have any programming skills?

Well, you don’t have to do anything, there is one miracle script that will help you install your own porn site in 5 minutes, all these big porn sites are using this script, I am using this script on 9 websites.

With this script you will be able to create your own porn website in 5 minutes.

This script is called Adult Video Script, and you can check this script Demo if you click here.



How to Buy and Install This Script


This script is one of the oldest porn scripts online, and it’s probably the best looking one too.

With this script you will be able to start your website in 5 minutes, yes, your website can be online in 5 minutes if you start working now.

You can click here to check this Script Demo, and you can click here to buy it.

When you land on their homepage you can click Order button in the top menu to buy this script.


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You will also get 25% on all script plans from December to April.

This script is huge, it has 100+ options so you can customize everything, from colors, to your logo, video and social share designs, and it’s really affordable, because you will basically get PornHub design for 250$.

You can also choose between 4 packages on this website.


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Starter and Basic packages are looking fine, but you will need this Premium package. Why?

Because Starter and Basic package will not include Video Mass Embedder.


What is Mass Embedder?


This is basically a tool that will help you to embed 10000+ videos from other porn sites like PornHub, Xvideos and Tube8 directly on your website, it will embed everything, video title, tags, categories.. and you can do this with one click.

So, you will need this Premium package for your website.

When you decide to order it you can click Order Now under that package, and you can pay it with your card or with your Paypal account.



How to Install Adult Video Script?



When you buy Adult Video Script you will get .RAR file with all files inside.

You can just unpack it on your desktop and you will find 2 folders inside.

First folder will contain Adult Video Script files, and second folder will contain Installation Documentation.

Installation Documentation is PDF file with step by step tutorial on how to install this script.

It’s really easy and you can do this in 3 minutes.

I installed this script on all 9 sites of mine, you can check my new site Geezporn.com.



How to Make Money with This Script?


make money with porn sites method


This script is made for porn site, and porn site is made to make money.

You can find 10+ ways to monetize this website, and you can use all of them together.

You will get In-Player ads option, to rotate your ad before and after porn video.

Ad Spaces for Banner ads can be found on Homepage Sidebar and Video sidebar, just like Pornhub Ads.

You will get exact same Ad spots like those on PornHub.

You can put your Ads in sidebar, in video, under every video, in Header, everywhere.


How to get Banner Ads for my Porn Site?


You can register on Crakrevenue, and they have 100+ offers, like Punish tube, Slutroulette, and Cam girls, and you can use all those ads, and they will also give you banners for these offers, so you just need to register on Crakrevenue, click here to register.

When someone click on your Crakrevenue banner they will land on Crakrevenue offer, and Crakrevenue will pay you 50$ if your visitor Signup on that offer and 2.5$ if visitors only free register.

Read my blog post on How to choose the best Crakrevenue offer to promote.

You will get your money through Crakrevenue, and Crakrevenue will pay you with Payoneer.

If you are from US Crakrevenue will send you checks, for other countries Payoneer is the best solution.

Payoneer is a free card and you can apply for it right now, and you can use it worldwide, if you apply for this card through my link you will get free 25$ on your card.

Click here to get your Payoneer card and 25$ on it.

If you want to read my full tutorial on How to get your Payoneer card click here.

Payoneer is free and you don’t have to pay for this card, and if you apply for your card now you will get free 25$ on it.

If Crakrevenue reject you, you can click here to read my article about best Crakrevenue alternatives.



How to Get Visitors on My Porn Website?


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Adult Video Script is SEO optimized, so, your visitors will come from Google Search, and more videos you have, more people will find you online.

You can add infinite number of videos on your website, Mass embedder plugin will allow you to grab 1000+ videos every day.

With 30 000+ videos on your site, it will be easy for visitors to find your website.


How can you get even more visitors?


You can put your porn site links on porn forums, you can use paid advertising, you can use uploading method to get visitors to your porn site.

You can click on this link to read my article about porn uploading.

In this article I explained how to make money redirecting links from your videos to your website.

And how can you make even more money with this method?

Well, you can upload videos, and put your website name in video title, so you can put something like:


Lisa Ann is have a threesome with pool guy – More videos on YourWebsite.com


And people will just visit your site, when they watch porn they visit few websites, and if they like some website, they visit this website again day by day.

So, with this method you can get everyday visitors that will come back every day.

You can get visitors, and those visitors will click on your ads and make you tons of money.


How Much Money Can you Make with Porn Website?


Ok, this is my average number, and you can make more or less money, but porn is so profitable and your website will make more and more money day by day.

My average visitors to click ratio is 100:5, so if I have 100 visitors today, 5 of them will click on my ad.

My average Ad conversion ratio is 1:30, so with 30 I click I can make one PPL sale (3$).

If you can get 3000 visitors per day, you will get 150 click on your ads and 5-6 sales every day, that’s 15-20$ per day, and you can start making this money in a week.

All porn website are getting anywhere from 50 000 up to 500 000 visitors per day, and PornHub and those huge sites are getting more than 10 000 000 visitors per day.

You can grow your site day by day, and you can have 1000000 videos and 1000000 visitors per day, there is no limit.


The post How to Start a Porn Site and How to Make Money With Porn Sites appeared first on OnlineAdrian.

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